Bogus “Pa(sic)” Demographics Stats Used by Olmert under Serious US Congress Scrutiny …

US Congress Hears Testimony About Inflated PA Demographics


“The United States Congress heard a damning report this week about U.S. aid being over-alotted due to deliberately inflated Palestinian population figures.”

“The findings of an exhaustive study on Palestinian Authority (PA) population statistics claims that the Palestinian Authority has deliberately misled U.S. and international humanitarian efforts by inflating their population figures to attract billions of dollars in relief funds.”

Bennet Zimmerman, Project Leader of a recent study entitled ‘Arab Population in the West Bank and Gaza: The Million Person Gap,’ presented the findings to the Congress this week. Zimmerman addressed the House International Relations Subcommittee on the Middle East which has been investigating U.S. funding of the Palestinian Authority.”

‘American tax dollars and other international humanitarian aid have been based on inflated population numbers which have been accepted without question by governments and aid agencies,’ he said in an interview with the World Net Daily. ‘Our researchers pointed out that money has been spent to help Palestinians who were double-counted, never born or not present in the West Bank and Gaza.‘”

“According to Zimmerman, the current official population for the West Bank and Gaza, which is listed as 3,279,141, is a highly inflated figure that does not reflect the demographic reality, which he estimates at 1.4 million in the West Bank and 1 million in Gaza, totaling 2.4 million. ‘The U.S. and Europeans have for years accepted entirely exaggerated data. Now Congress has some very tough questions to ask, including how its own State Department and the CIA could have been duped and what do to regarding future aid,’ stated Zimmerman.”
