Olmert’s Rule: Wishful Thinking? Or Coldly Calculating Anti-Jewish, Anti-Torah?

Orlev: Olmert Will Bring Kassam Rockets to Ben-Gurion Airport

Full Text;

“National Religious Party (NRP) leader MK Zevulun Orlev released a statement following the Friday Kassam rocket attacks into southern Green Line Israel, stating ‘A Kadima government will bring Kassams to Ben-Gurion Airport.’

“‘Running from terror and Kadima’s forgiving policy towards Hamas will bring the rockets to Ashkelon today, and tomorrow, to Ben-Gurion International Airport,’ Orlev stated.”

MK Saar: Olmert Gov’t is Helpless [Against Everyone Except Torah Jews]


While these two politicos are not among this author’s favorite leaders, what they are saying is NOT SCARE HEADLINES! The current regime has so mismanaged Israel’s security that these headlines are REALITY! MB

Weekly Commentary: Israeli Policy Driven by Wishful Thinking

This author and Aaron Lerner (IMRA) are on the same side. But even friends or allies can argue about the motivation of a political opponent. For the rules of loshen hora seem to exempt politicians, particularly politicials whose unconcealed motivations are obvious. For this reason, this author comment’s on IMRA’s take on results of this polling question; “Do you agree or disagree with the following argument: even if a threatening sovereign Palestinian state enjoying the support of the Arab world will be established in the evacuated areas, the IDF could always act to get quiet at a relatively low cost?” MB


“One would have thought that the 1973 Yom Kippur War would have permanently tempered the Israeli hubris from the 1967 Six Day War but it didn’t.”

“A terrorist army within spitting distance of Israel’s major population and industrial centers is not a minor nuisance. It can, indeed, be parlayed into an existential threat in coordination with the radical states.”

“It is inbumbent on Israel’s leaders to address this challenge now, while the costs of action are low.”

“The nation can ill afford the rule of leaders driven more by wishful
thinking than serious analysis.”


While this author agrees with Aaron regarding his latter 3 excerpted observations, “Israeli hubris from the 1967 Six Day War” is not the only motivating factor, if it is a motivating factor at all, in the Regime’s policies.

Consider this quote from the recent Martin Sherman article on the Ynet news site; Israel’s March of Folly and excerpted yesterday on this blog;

“It appears that the Israeli left’s animosity towards domestic political rivals has always been greater than its affinity for the national interest, so the decision was an easy one: Rather than acknowledge they had been wrong (and, by implication, that their political opponents may not have been), they reneged on the promise not to engage the PLO, an organization of unusual – and well-known – savagery.”

Also consider these words of Moshe Feiglin in his recent article;
“The IDF: An Uncomfortable Analysis”;


Israel is being led by a small oligarchy that doesn’t believe in the justness of its cause. It has nothing worth dieing for and nothing worth living for — except itself. This oligarchy will always prefer to preserve itself in the short run at the expense of the very existence of the state in the long run. It sees itself as the Founder of the state and the Creator of a new nation — the Israeli nation — to replace the outdated Jewish nation of the exile. As French philosopher John Jacque Rousseau explained — the oligarchies see the state and its citizens as their private property. As long as the state supplies the oligarchy with the ability to rule and the appropriate cultural environment, it has the right to exist. It is just and fitting to take existential risks in order to preserve the rule of the oligarchy and its values. The leadership is not meant to serve the state, but rather, the state must serve the leadership.

Lieutenant Colonel Shlomo Baum, of blessed memory, once told me, ‘Shimon Peres doesn’t care if the entire state turns into a heap of ashes — as long as he is standing at the top of the heap.’ At the time, I thought that he was exaggerating. Today I know that this is true not only of Peres, but of the entire oligarchy that controls the State of Israel. This oligarchy is the strategic threat to the state.”

“The strategic mission of the army is to defend the state of Israel. But a simple inspection of our reality since Oslo reveals a totally different picture. The IDF’s top commanders do not concern themselves with defending Israel, but rather with defending the ruling oligarchy. They do not see their main goal as providing security for Israel, but rather as carrying out the orders of the oligarchy.”

And below seems to be one example of what Moshe Feiglin is talking about;

IDF Offers Excuses Instead of Defense at Samaria Community


“As attacks increase in Judea and Samaria, residents of a hilltop community were shocked when the local IDF commander offered excuses instead of pursuing an armed Arab who threatened them.

“Residents of the community of Adei Ad, near Shilo in Samaria, are complaining that the IDF refused to respond to an armed Arab man who trespassed on their agricultural fields.”


It seems plain that just as with the expulsion of Jews from, and the abandonment of Gush Katif to the Islamics; that the expulsions from the Shalhevet neighborhood of Chevron, the bloody, brutal police expulsion from Amona, seem the start of an emerging trend of walling in and obstructing, perhaps chas v’chalila, eventually abandoning certain other Jewish areas just as they made Kissufim a maze of walls before the expulsion and just as they abandoned Kever Yosef to the Arabs.

It seems obvious that the Sharon/Olmert regime has chosen to do unbridled battle against the Ways of Torah and of Yiddishkiet and to divest, to sever any connection between Israelis and their Jewish roots, traditions and way of living.

B’ezrat Hashem, on 28 March, to their great “shock and awe”, with the help of every sincere, caring, dedicated Jew, may Kadima soon know the “agony of defeat”, utter, crushing political defeat and may their “wishful thinking” regarding their goal of severance of Israelis from their Jewishness go up in ashes. MB
