Olmert’s Complete and Utter Chutzpah and Hubris: Does He Really Think There’s Any Value to the Word of Russians, for That Matter US Either?

Olmert: Russia May Limit Contact With Hamas in Future

Olmert: Putin Will Stand Against Hamas


“In speaking of Putin, he said, ‘Russia gave me a clear, unequivocal message.’ He said Putin promised to support three elements in its commitment to stand with the international community in support of Israel.

“While he did not outline the elements, one of his advisers said he meant the insistence that Hamas recognize the State of Israel and that Hamas accept all agreements recognized by Israel and the PA as well as denounce terror.

Olmert said that Putin told him, ‘Russia is obligated forever not to harm the state of Israel,’ he said. Putin said he had promised this to Sharon and was now passing this pledge to Olmert as Sharon’s successor.”

“Putin is scheduled to meet with a Hamas delegation in Moscow later this week.”


Is Olmert preparing for the Biggest [political] choke since Phillies, 1964?

Seems like everyone these days is trying to help poor Udi to win. The Russians, the US, even Abu Mazen, aka Mahmoud (Abu in a a business suit) Abbas. Those 36 Mandates claimed by various polls don’t look very solid after all if he apparently has to go run to the major powers pleading for help.

Can we be nearing a Netanyahu repeat of the “Miracle of ’96”? MB
