Police Casualties at Amona: Point, Counter-Point …

Ambulance Driver Claims ‘Seriously Injured Policeman’ a Media Lie


“An Efrat resident working as a Magen David Adom ambulance driver claims that media claims that a policeman was ‘seriousy injured’ during the clashes in Amona last Wednesday are completely false.

“‘I transferred the only so-called badly injured policeman from Hadassah Har HaTzofim [Mount Scopus] to Hadassah Ein Karem …’ [the driver said]”

“‘His injury was a bad cut under the eye and he was transferred because Ein Karem has plastic surgeons and he needed their services. All the other police injured that I saw had minor cuts and bruises. None had broken bones that I am aware of. All the injured protestors I saw had broken bones, legs and arm injuries, and head wounds. A lot of blood. The atmosphere was that of a terrorist attack with the prevalent undercurrent that this time the attackers were Jews.'”

Policeman Recalls Amona Trauma


“‘I served in many police departments… I’ve been in contact with criminals, but such glares I have never seen before. Even delinquents acknowledge the supremacy of the law, but in Amona is was different. It was as if they were the landlords, and we were invading on their turf,’ he described.”

“‘Even at war between enemies, there are codes of behavior. A soldier who falls captive gets medical treatment. If this isn’t hate, what is?’ Margalit said.”

“‘I don’t expect them to love or respect those who act against them, but I was surprised by the measure of hate. When you hate someone this much, you are capable of killing him,’ he added.”


This author is no psychologist, but the policeman interviewed in this latter report seems a classic case of projection: projecting his own hate on to others as to give the media interviewer the perception of the defenders of Amona a blind haters, when it seems obvious to anyone not leftist-agenda driven that he is really speaking of himself.

By whose standards on Jewish Land did the defenders NOT have “supremacy of law” on their side? And in the policeman’s own words; “When you hate someone this much, you are capable of killing him”, can this not be applied to the behavior of Olmert, Livni, Mofaz, Karadi, Halutz, etc. and the orders given the police and Yassamnikim from above? As Dirty Harry once said; “C’mon, make my day.”

As for medical treatment, this author has heard that police either denied, or did not make easy, the application of medical treatment to many injured defenders. Again, the policeman’s own words; “If this isn’t hate, what is?” MB
