The Stake for Us All in Chevron, Amona and Beyond …

For a review of recent reports on the crisis in Chevron, click here, here and here.

What’s at Stake in Hebron, by David Wilder


“On January 19, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, quoted in Haaretz, ‘warned that ‘the conflict between settlers and the government is a struggle for supremacy.’ Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ‘declared war on law-breaking settlers in the West Bank and described illegal acts by settlers as ‘the undermining of the rule of law.” What is the cause of such blatant demagoguery?”

“…These youth are neither hoodlums or hooligans. Rather, they are some of the most ideologically motivated people in Israel today. These young people are true lovers of their land, of Eretz Yisrael. They are still crying the pain of expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Samaria. Their hearts are still bleeding for our land abandoned to our enemies.”

“Religiously observant Jews have no problem obeying the law of the land, as long as that law does not force them to overtly transgress their beliefs. Should the Knesset pass a law demanding that one meal a day must include pork, or that Shabbat must be desecrated by each and every Israeli citizen, of course it would not be heeded. Eretz Yisrael is no different. Chopping up our land, or demanding that it be abandoned is certainly no less serious than eating treif meat. Why is one publicly acceptable and the other decried?”

“The present conflict has nothing to do with law and order, or governmental sovereignty. Rather, it is entirely political. An unwritten law of Israeli society requires that preceding elections, or during the rule of a transitional government, major national actions and decisions should be postponed.”

“Acting Prime Minister Olmert has undertaken to use Hebron and Amona as a means to politically prove his worth: ‘I too know how to throw Jews out of their homes, whatever the cost.'”

“The real question is: are we dealing with the rule of law and order, or an attempt to usurp political power for political purposes?”

Amona Residents to Turn to the Courts Against Demolition Order

HCJ Slammed for Taking Amona Petition
