Point/Counterpoint on the Demographic Dud …

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Demographic Bluff

Excerpt; (Note link to Arnon Sofer Article from this URL)

“Once again, the demographic bluff is out of the bottle. This time, the acting prime minister, looking to cement an election slogan, dusted off the old demographic argument: ‘We will set a clear demographic border,’ ‘In order to ensure a Jewish majority we will not continue to rule in Judea and Samaria,’ and other similar statements that have been ground to death in the past.”

“And here, even babies can jump and scream about the emperor’s new clothes: The emperor has no clothes!”

“So could someone please give a convincing scientific, sociologic argument as to how an Israeli withdrawal will help the ‘demographic threat,’ as long as the Palestinians have no interest in becoming Israeli citizens, and we of course are not putting forth such a suicidal proposal?”


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