Month: December 2005
Update on Events, Circumstances and Media Coverage of Sharon’s Stroke …
To keep this coverage in proper perspective; here are the previous (1, 2, 3) posts regarding Prime Minister Sharon’s Stroke.
Tuesday Coverage;
Sharon Released; Was More Confused than Reported Tuesday, December 20, 2005 / 19 Kislev 5766
Sharon Leaves Hospital as Medical Staff Speak Out
“Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was released from Hadassah Hospital Tuesday amid reports by his medical team that Monday’s press conference did not disclose “the whole truth” about his stroke.”
Overnight Politics …
Labor Leaders Reject Appointments of Party Lineup
“As a result, the party’s 117,000 registered members will take part in the primary election to determine the order of the list of candidates for a seat in the 17th Knesset.”
Good Report on One Refugee Family, New Outposts planned in Battle for Eretz Yisrael …
One Refugee family’s Good News; No Thanks to Bassi and SELA! MB
The Swap Pops Up Again: Pollard for Barghouti? …
Al-Arabiya Director: Pollard for Barghouti
“According to Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid, director of the United Arab Emirates-based satellite television station Al-Arabiya, the release of convicted terrorist leader Marwan Barghouti from Israeli jail is dependent upon the release of Jonathan Pollard from his American imprisonment. Pollard is serving a life sentence in federal prison for having passed along classified information to Israel.”
It must be understood that this author lovingly prays for Jonathan Pollard’s release daily and Shabbos at every opportunity as well as encorporating a prayer for his release in each Vort on Torah spoken or written. And the possibility that Marwan Barghouti could be released is beyond sickening.
Overnight War News …
Bassi on the Expulsion Victims …
Bassi: Expulsion Victims’ Woes a ‘Time Bomb’
Well Bassi, do something about it then or, as we’ve all assumed from jump-street, you are in this purely for your own personal profit as has apparently been documented on this blog here and here.
Bibi Defeats Shalom Comfortably in the Likud Primary, Feiglin Get’s 15% …
Netanyahu: Likud is on Road Back to Power
“Netanyahu swept to a comfortable victory in the Likud chairmanship race, as his main rival Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom conceded defeat in a phone conversation with him…”
“The vote count stood at 98 percent on Tuesday morning, with results falling within Channel 1 margin of error: Netanyahu’s lead stood at 44.6 percent to Shalom’s 33 percent. Feiglin received 15 percent while Katz got 8.7 percent.”
“Feiglin’s surprisingly strong showing prompted many outside the party to criticize the Likud’s turn to the right. Finance Minister Ehud Olmert, a member of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Kadima party, told Israel Radio the Likud had become an extreme right-wing, uncompromising party.”
Overnight War News …
Likud Primary Night Election Politics …
IMPORTANT NOTE: The actual votes are still being tallied. This article relates only to a poll! MB
“Bibi wins: Knesset Member Benjamin Netanyahu is Monday’s big winner and Likud’s new leader, after winning 47 percent of the vote in the ruling party primaries, according to an Israel Radio exit poll.”
“According to the poll, Foreign Minister Shalom came in second with 32 percent of the vote. Moshe Feiglin came in third with 15 percent and Agriculture Minister Yisrael Katz only got 6 percent ….”