Likud Primary Night Election Politics …

Poll: Bibi Wins Likud Vote

IMPORTANT NOTE: The actual votes are still being tallied. This article relates only to a poll! MB


Bibi wins: Knesset Member Benjamin Netanyahu is Monday’s big winner and Likud’s new leader, after winning 47 percent of the vote in the ruling party primaries, according to an Israel Radio exit poll.”

“According to the poll, Foreign Minister Shalom came in second with 32 percent of the vote. Moshe Feiglin came in third with 15 percent and Agriculture Minister Yisrael Katz only got 6 percent ….”

“‘Likud members like a battered wife’”

“In a first response, Shalom associates told Ynet they are greatly disappointed by the poll results and said they accept the loss.”

“… Shalom’s strategic advisor Moshe Debi said the poll showing a victory for Benjamin Netanyahu in the Likud primaries was ‘only a poll, but there’s no doubt that the low turnout made things worse.'”

“He added: ‘Likud members are behaving like a battered wife, returning to the old and familiar Benjamin Netanyahu.’


Moshe Feiglin may have finished 3rd with 15-16% of the Likud Primary vote and made great inroads in bringing faith-based leadership into clear focus in Likud, but it is obvious that Sylvan Shalom’s campaign has attempted to parrot Moshe’s campaign rhetoric to fit his (Shalom’s) loser’s vindictiveness.

Where Moshe speaks of a Likud mindset in need of alteration, the need to free one’s self from the shackles of a bad marriage or a fatal attraction syndrome, just as the battered wife seeks to get free from the abusive husband, Sylvan Shalom and his advisors merely speak as sore-sport losers throwing a tantrum!

Here are two Moshe Feiglin articles which refer to “battered wives” which predate the post-primary comments of Sylvan Shalom’s campaign advisor;

Sharon, Bibi and the Battered Wife Dec., 2005, … and just yesterday;

Feiglin Responds to Yesha Endorsement of Netanyahu Dec 18, ’05 / 17 Kislev 5766


“… Moshe Feiglin, compared the Yesha Council endorsement of Binyamin Netanyahu to a ‘battered woman returning to her abusive husband.’”

Why does this author bring out specifically this comment? It is emblematic of the impact which Manhigut Yehudit principles are having within the Likud party. On the heels of Moshe Feiglin’s nearly 4-fold increase in strength within Likud, it seems obvious and inevitable that the ‘old boy hacks’ inside the party, such as Sylvan Shalom and his patronage staff would start parroting and pirating Moshe’s points, for lack of an original ideas of their own.

But even though, as said above, Shalom and his lackies threw a temper tantrum in losing and lacked the intellect to come up with an original idea, their use of Moshe Feiglin’s “battered wife” expression is further evidence of the impact of Manhigut Yehudit is having within the Likud whether the ‘old boy hacks’ like it or not. MB

Feiglin Beats Shalom, Netanyahu Wins J’lem Polling


“Binyamin Netanyahu easily bested both candidates in Jerusalem with 1,718 votes, but Feiglin was a surprise second-place winner, with 844 votes to Shalom’s 658.

Olmert: Likud has Become a Zealous ‘Feiglinist’ Faction

Kadima: We’re More Than Just Sharon


“Whenever Sharon eventually leaves politics – whether due to health or other reasons – a leadership battle is expected between Olmert, Livni, Transportation Minister Meir Sheetrit and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz. Sharon will take an important step toward determining his successor when he decides who will be placed second on the Kadima list by the February 7 deadline to submit the list to the Central Elections Committee.”

Muffle your ears in preparation for all of these loose cannons to explode. MB

Katz: Likud Will Survive Kadima Defections


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