Feiglin Served NO Prison Time, Rather Community Service …

This report follows-up on the previous report concerning Bibi’s attempt to oust Moshe Feiglin from Likud.

Netanyahu Bid: Push Off Primaries to Get Feiglin Out


“Netanyahu has met with Tzvi Cohen, the Likud’s Election Committee chairman, who approved the initiative. It involves a change to the party’s constitution that would ban anyone with a criminal record and a jail sentence of at least three months from running for Knesset.

In Nov. 1997, Feiglin – as leader of the anti-Oslo Zo Artzeinu (This is Our Land) organization – was sentenced to six months in prison, which he was permitted to convert to six months of public service. He had been convicted two months earlier of ‘sedition’ for organizing massive road blockades in the framework of anti-Oslo protests in 1994. read more

Overnight War News;

Steinitz: Rafah Deal Was Never Signed


“MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud) accused Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz Wednesday of misleading the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in his statement that a final agreement had been reached with the Palestinians over the Rafah border crossing.”

“Steinitz, who chairs the committee, claimed that no such agreement had ever been reached, and that the terms that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice left in place had actually been objected to by both sides.” read more


Torah Vort [or political satire?] — On Chanukah

Earlier in December, an email hit the log which was put away until the time appropriate to Chanukah. Now is that time. So here is a Vort on Chanukah;

Down With Hanukah
By Rabbi Meir Kahane

If I were a Reform rabbi; if I were a leader of the establishment
whose money and prestige have succeeded in capturing for himself the
leadership and voice of American Jewry; if I were one of the members
of the Israeli Government’s ruling group; if I were an enlightened
sophisticated, modern Jewish intellectual, I would climb the
barricades and join in battle against that most dangerous of all
Jewish holidays – Chanukah.
read more


Bibi Speaks of Honesty and Nobility, Acts Like a Slime …

Netanyahu: Bring Back the Honesty and Nobility of Begin


While Bibi speaks of high ideals of restoration of Likud to the honesty and nobility of Menachem Begin, who was once imprisoned, he [Bibi] acts to attempt to oust a latter-day Begin from Likud for dread fear of the Jewish Values which Moshe Feiglin seeks to bring to the fore.

Barak of IRIS adds further perspective on Netanyahu’s attempts to oust Moshe Feiglin; Bibi Delays Likud Knesset Elections to Oust Feiglin

Likud Trying to Keep Feiglin Off List of Candidates read more

Wednesday Politics and Election News …

MK Shteinitz: Sharon, Mofaz Deceived Public on ’Pact’ with PA


He said that the Prime Minister and Mofaz refused repeated requests from the committee to disclose the supposed accord, claiming that it contained secret information. Shteinitz said in a press conference, ‘Since I have been chairman of the committee, there never has been anything like this’ whereby a false picture was presented to the Knesset and to the world.

National Union, NRP Agree Rabbi Elon Will Get Senior Post read more


Startling AJC Poll …

Surprising Results Found in New AJC Poll


Nearly 78 percent of respondents in a new poll commissioned by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) agreed with the statement, ‘The goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel.’

“However, 56% said they favor the establishment of a Palestinian state, while 36% said they supported a compromise in Jerusalem in the framework of a permanent peace agreement with the Palestinians.” read more
