Uzi Landau on Attempt to Oust Feiglin: Zig-Zags of a Weak-kneed Politician!

Earlier news reports today, such as the one included in this post [1] , declared that Uzi Landau stood against attempts by Netanyahu, Shalom to oust Moshe Feiglin from Likud. What inside pressure accounts for the turn-around traced below and why? MB

[4]Landau Says He Agrees With Bibi’s Ploy to Oust Feiglin

[3]Is Landau Zigzagging?

[2]Netanyahu: Landau Supports Ousting Feiglin

Also, in wondering about the cause of Uzi Landau’s Zig-Zags, one might consider this great article from Attila Somfalvi, from Ynet of all places; read more

Sylvan’s Attempt at Softshoe …

Foreign Minister: No More Unilateral Concessions


“Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom on Saturday told Meet the Press that he would not support additional unilateral policies with the Palestinian Authority (PA), adding there would be a renewal of diplomatic talks and concessions with the PA.”

How ambiguous of you, Sylvan. This doesn’t even qualify as an out-and-out lie. Could we realistically expect anything else from your ilk? MB

FM: Likud Willing to Make Concessions in Talks With PA read more


Shalom Seek’s Feiglin’s Ouster, Landau Opposes the Attempt …

To view previous reporting on attempts to oust Moshe Feiglin from Likud, click here.

Shalom Adamantly Opposed to Feiglin Faction

Landau Opposes Move to Oust Feiglin

Netanyahu, Feiglin Head Toward Clash Over Likud Election List


“Moshe Feiglin, head of the Jewish Leadership faction in Likud, announced on Friday that he will run for a spot on the Likud’s Knesset list, after failing to persuade party leader Benjamin Netanyahu to back off trying to oust him.”

“‘We opened doors for Bibi, but he wouldn’t listen. He’s going head-to-head. Now we’ll fight him,’ Feiglin associates said on Saturday.” read more

Regime Takes Care of it’s Vehicle — the IDF; to Heck with the Nearby Kibbutz and the Penniless Gush Katif Evictees …

IDF to Construct Concrete Wall at Zikim Base

IDF Base to be Rocket-Proof by Week’s End

Kibbutz Zikim Demanding Equal Protection


And as the Rocket-proofing of Zikim Basic Training Base continues and Kibbutz Zikim seeks, as they are entitled to as citizens, the same type of protection, “GK evictees living in the area are being asked by the Defense Ministry to pay for similar protection out of their own pockets.” (As per Loose English translation of this Arutz-7 article in Hebrew. ) read more


Barghouti for Pollard: Keeps Popping Up…

To view previous reports on the evolving possibility of a swap, click here:

Arab Media: Trade Terrorist for Pollard


“A popular Arab television network is lobbying for a deal in which a convicted terrorist running in upcoming Palestinian elections would be freed from Israeli prison in exchange for the U.S. release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.”

“The developments come a year after Pollard first exposed the potential deal when he told WorldNetDaily he learned he may be exchanged for the terrorist leader, Marwan Barghouti, who has been convicted of several counts of murder.” read more


Israel’s Security Being Short-Shrifted According to 2 NSC Chairmen …

Two NSC Chairmen: Sharon Makes Decisions Without Proper Preparation


“As someone who conducted the negotiations with the United Nations ahead of the withdrawal from Lebanon and was involved in talks preceding the Mitchell, Tenet and Zinni reports, [National Security Council (NSC) chairman Giora] Eiland has an interesting perspective on the Israeli leadership. ‘The decision-makers here prefer the bottom line to a proper process of preparation for negotiations – including examining the basic assumptions, defining your interests and mapping out those of the rival parties, formulating minimal objectives and determining the negotiation tactics.’ read more
