Overnight War News …

IDF and Hizbullah Exchange Fire; No Troops Wounded

Soldiers Fire at Suspicious Images Along Northern Border

IDF Soldiers Arrest 23 Wanted Palestinians in the West Bank

IDF Artillery Fires at Mortar-Launch Area in Gaza

IDF Artillery Responds to Mortar Fire From Gaza

Mortar Lands North of Gaza Strip; None Wounded

Army Hits Launching Sites


“IDF directs artillery fire at Gaza Strip in response to rocket attacks on Israeli targets.”

Escalation in the South? IDF forces struck at Qassam rocket launching sites and access roads in the northern Gaza Strip Thursday morning, after Qassam rockets were fired at the southern town of Sderot.” read more


The “Ish Tam” and Distinguishing Good from Evil …

Parsha Vayeitzei: Distinguishing Good from Evil — Revisited.
By Moshe Burt

In view of events of 3 1/2 months ago as well as the current election campaign, this author reflected back on last year’s word on Parsha Vayeitzei.

In last week’s parsha Toldos, we learned about Yaakov, the “Ish Tam”, one who was “totally honest, a man of great integrity”, who was master over the trait of being “tam”, a “‘plain man’, … without trickery, but he did not allow this character trait to dominate him. He knew when and where to act otherwise.” read more


Politics and the Election …

Prediction: T.O. Time — Kadima’s Self-Destruct Getting Closer! Taking this latest disgruntled free agent is a big step along the way. It’s gonna be fun watching this bunch of infants self-destruct. MB

Police Recommend Indicting Hanegbi; A-G to Decide


“The Israel Police recommended to the state prosecutor’s office on Wednesday that interim Likud party Chairman Tzahi Hanegbi be indicted for making illegal political appointments when he was environment minister from 2001 to 2003.” read more


The Plight of the Gush Katif Refugees — Still Relevant 3 plus Months Later …

A Time to Reach Out

Jonathan Rosenblum wrote this article mere days after the Expulsion began. The words seem still relevant for the Callous Indifference of the Israeli Gov’t and segments of Israel’s population regarding the Gush Katif and Shomron Refugees 3 plus Months Later. MB


“In the long span of Jewish history, the uprooting of 8,500 Jews from Gaza will not rank as one of the worst tragedies, though it was unique in that those doing the uprooting were themselves Jews. This was not 1492 and the expulsion from Spain or the Holocaust. And the attempts by some in the settler community to appropriate symbols of those earlier tragedies – yellow Jewish stars, concentration camp uniforms – and by implication, and sometimes explicitly, to cast the soldiers executing the evacuation orders in the role of Hitler’s S.S. troops, only infuriated secular Israelis.” read more


Today’s Election Political News …

Rightists Around World Upset at Landau


“Landau explained that he decided to quit because he had no chance of winning and because Netanyahu offered him a series of commitments that reassured him that he would be loyal to right-wing ideology if elected prime minister. Netanyahu and Landau, who studied together at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will present their 17-point agreement in a press conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday.”

In the deal, Netanyahu promised never to withdraw unilaterally from settlements, to bring any major decision to a Likud faction vote or a national referendum and to appoint Landau to head a ministerial committee that would help Gush Katif evacuees. Netanyahu would not commit to keeping the Likud out of a government led by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, but Landau said he believed Netanyahu would keep the Likud in the opposition if it loses the March 28 election.” read more


Today’s War News …

PM Aides: Orders for Attack Came From Syria


“Jerusalem points finger at Damascus for providing safe haven for Islamic Jihad terror activities, group responsible for Monday’s Netanya bombing; U.S. State Department calls on Assad to close down group’s Damascus headquarters.”

NSC Urges Israelis to Evacuate Sinai Immediately

Islamic Jihad Goes Underground


Islamic Jihad terrorists have gone underground and are operating in small cells which makes it difficult to arrest them, security officials said Tuesday morning.” read more
