Bibi’s Cat is Out of the Bag: “Limited Territorial Concessions”

Netanyahu Outlines Plan for Limited Territorial Concessions


‘The time has come for a party to say what Israel will keep and not what we should give away,’ Netanyahu said. ‘There are three different approaches: Keeping all the land, which I think would be a mistake; withdrawing from nearly all the land, which Ehud Barak, Sharon and Amir Peretz support and I think is dangerous; and our policy, which is defensible borders for Israel.’

“Speaking under a banner with the slogan ‘the Likud is renewing itself,’ on a stage with the 26 remaining Likud MKs, Netanyahu said his ‘defensible borders’ would include the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights, an undivided Jerusalem, settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria and the hilltops overlooking Ben-Gurion Airport, the Gush Dan region and Route 443.
