Election News …

Vote on Knesset Dispersal Bill to be Held Wed.a>

Going for Broke

Interesting political editorial. Will there be Peretz’s sequal in Likud — a Feiglin victory in a Sharon-less Likud? Stay tuned! MB

Lieberman Urges Right to Unite to face Sharon


“National Union leader Avigdor Lieberman proposed Saturday afternoon that Likud, National Religious Party and the National Union merge into a single right-wing bloc in the upcoming general elections, if Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decides to quit Likud.” read more


Expulsion: in Retrospect, Continuing Consequences …

The IDF’s New Image


“The new image of the IDF is not a pretty one. Who can trust future governments to refrain from again using the army to expel other citizens from their homes without due process of law? The future of the IDF has been compromised by misuse and involvement where it should never have been used. The supposedly democratic nature of our society is shown to be a sham when superior force is used to quell civil disobedience. The use of the military for this purpose is never appropriate and measures need to be taken to see that it does not happen again. Concurrently, the leadership of the military and police, members of the Knesset, and the Supreme Court and other public figures involved in supporting Ariel Sharon’s evil and criminal plan need to be replaced or retired. This calls for new elections and reform in our whole system of government and all its institutions, some of which need to be abolished and replaced with institutions that serve the public with compassion and humanity, and reflect long-held Jewish beliefs, traditions and values.” read more

Beautiful Neve Dekalim, Now a Terror Training Camp — Hamas, al-Qaida, ???

Jewish Gaza Capital ‘Hamas Terror Camp’


‘Like making a holy place into total filth’

Al-Zahar warned Hamas would launch terror attacks to drive Israel from the West Bank, and ultimately from the entire Jewish state.

That Hamas is in control on the ground in Neve Dekalim shows the Palestinian Authority is too weak or unwilling to fight the terror group, a spokesperson for Israel’s foreign ministry told WND.

The news of a Hamas terror camp in their former city saddened expelled Jewish residents of Neve Dekalim. read more


Friday Morning Election News …

Sharon to Decide This Weekend Whether He Will Quit the Likud

Yedioth Ahronoth Poll: 28 Seats to Sharon Party

Aaron Lerner’s Commentary: For Democracy’s Sake – A Breakaway Sharon Party


“In the coming days Ariel Sharon is expected … to present what are ostensibly his plans for the future.”

“That’s ‘ostensibly’ because when he did this before the last elections and asked for the public’s support he then turned around and did virtually the exact opposite.” read more


New Israeli Technology — Dangerous in Dictatorial Hands??

Israeli Innovation: Airport Lie Detectors


“According to Nemesysco’s CEO, Amir Lieberman, the system would not err when dealing with people who are naturally under pressure as they board their flights and would not mistake them for terrorists or drug dealers. The system has also been installed at banks and insurance companies in Britain in order to detect fraud attempts.”


I don’t care how many rationalizations the manufacturer makes to sell his technology; How many innocent people are going to be harrassed, prevented from making their flights, treated like terrorists because they are nervous, figiting out of fear of flying, accompanying a dead body to Eretz Yisrael, person concerns, family concerns, etc.? read more


Arabs Confiscating Jordan Valley Lands

’Arabs Taking Over Jordan Valley’


“‘Two and a half years ago, the IDF abandoned several camps, and there was an agreement with the defense and agriculture ministers that we could use the land for farming,’ Tal explained. ‘Nothing happened because the Lands Administration wanted lease money…but the Arabs have no problem in taking over the land’ without any government interference.

This fits right in to the mold of the Government of Israel’s agendization regarding the Jordan Valley which was addressed in a previous post. MB read more