Jordan Valley — On the Block for Expulsion?

‘Right Losing Support for Jordan Valley’


The Right is in danger of losing public support for retaining the Jordan Valley, a strategic adviser to Prime Minister Sharon said Sunday.”

“Speaking Sunday at the College of Judea and Samaria, Lior Chorev warned
a right-wing audience that many of their arguments for retaining land taken in 1967 were falling short with the majority of Israelis. He added that the Jordan Valley was much like Gush Katif, noting that only 5,000 Jews live there.

“Speaking at a panel on the disengagement and the struggle over public opinion, which took place at the fourth David Bar-Ilan Conference on the Media and the Middle East, Chorev argued that public policy was not enough to maintain the public’s belief in the necessity of holding on to the Jordan Valley, and that the lack of such conviction was dangerous because it could lead to an eventual political loss.”

Chorev contrasted the attitude of secular Israelis towards the West Bank and Gaza with its attitude to the Golan Heights. He argued that the Israeli consensus could identify with the values of settlers in the Golan in a way they could not with settlers in Judea, Samaria, and Gush Katif, and would therefore be opposed to a future deal with Syria.


A strategic adviser to Prime Minister Sharon seems to frankly admit what those of us with eyes, ears and a grain of independent thinking have known for quite some time.

Since when does the Israeli public make it’s own independent decisions as to good or bad “values”? The government’s agendization, propagandization and media-supported brainwashing of it’s electorate regarding the “values” of those in Gush Katif, or now the Jordan Valley were/are A key factor, along with the Left’s blackmail of a sitting Prime Minister, behind the Expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, not security, not demographics, not separation from the “pals” (sic) and not pressure from Washington, the EU or any other foreign influence.

I write this commentary with my friends from Shi-rat HaYam very much in mind. This Yishuv of 15 families where the Sefer Torah Recycling Network placed a Sefer on 4 July, 2004, has the inner strength of their youth and emunah and seek to carry on with the fight for Eretz Yisrael B’Ezrat Hashem from a new venue — the Jordan Valley.

How far the Am has fallen? I was zocha to view one of the Entebbe movies, the one starring Yoram Gaon, today while having breakfast in the center of Beit Shemesh. Is this the same Am whose Fathers and Grandfathers fought in an Army which won a miraculous, lightning war of Jewish survival in 1967, turned a near disasterous, catastrophic defeat in the Yom Kippur War into a great victory and in 1976, flew selflessly (without regard for the “values” of their Jewish brethren) over thousands of miles of hostile airspace to miraculously liberate over 100 Jews who were hijacked by PLO/PA terrorists to Uganda?

Back at Entebbe, the only ones doing selectia on the Jews were Idi Amin and the PLO/PA terrorists. But 29 years later, it is Arik Sharon, Shimon Peres and their effete leftist friends blindly using their tool, the IDF to do selectia against the Jews. Heaven forbid that they would be successful, for Chas V’Chalilah their success will do far more than to persecute the Torah-Observant. Chas V’Chalilah, their success is destruction of Kol Am Yehudi.

The Land of Israel and the love of it is encumbent upon every Jew, regardless of where Chareidim live, where Datim live, where Dati Leumim live, where S’fardim, Timanim, or Secular Jews live. As I’ve written in the past, if Gush Katif or the Jordan Valley or David HaMelech’s Kever is not sufficiently Kadosh for some of those among us, then what makes Ramat Aviv Bet any more Kadosh?

Kol HaKavod to my dear friends, formerly from Shi-rat HaYam, for your Ahavat Yisrael and your desire to join with your brothers in settling the Jordan Valley! MB
