Retired IDF Southern Command Harel Vows to Shun Politics
If you believe this, I’ve got a bridge to sell you, cheap …
Israel and The Sin of Expulsion
The Implications and Consequences of Expulsion for the Jewish People
Retired IDF Southern Command Harel Vows to Shun Politics
If you believe this, I’ve got a bridge to sell you, cheap …
Further Developments in this Evolving Story Surrounding President Katzav’s [Possible] Mt. Zion Sign-Over to the Vatican
Development #1; Still No Denials from either President Katzav’s Office or from Pave the Way Foundation
Development #2; Newly Revealed Documents;
Draft of the Proposed Deal Between President Katsav of Israel and the Vatican.
“Forceful” letter written to Rabbi Goldstein, Rosh HaYeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva on Mt. Zion from David Bartheldy in Haifa, urging the Rabbi to accept his terms and offer.
Here are 2 follow-ups to a previous headline; [link] Sharon Supporters Likud MKs Aflalo and Avraham Accused of Accepting Illegal Benefits
Heightened Security Alert Continues in Sderot
After Tuesday night’s surgical strike which eliminated 2 terrorists from Hamas and Fatah, “security forces expect … Kassam rocket launches in response.”
Bassi Touts Housing Plan for Evacuees
This short critique, including quotes from the linked article, assuredly doesn’t nick surface of all of the dis-information, mis-information, mal-feasance, non-feasance, graft and corruption of Bassi and his “authority.” MB
Bassi: “Some 450 families are still in hotels awaiting such homes”
What about all of the families in tent cities, Ir Emuna, Rented Apartments, etc.? There are many hundred families more than 450 awaiting viable, temporary, communal solutions. MB
No Money to Fix Terror Victim’s Wheelchair
This is but one of countless cases of heartless, abusive, indifferent and mal-feasant treatment of clients by bureaucrats in the local branches of Bituach Leumi.
About 3 weeks ago, I read that the two existing NII call centers in Dimona and Rehovot are on the chopping block, with some 64 workers soon to be dismissed.
These personnel are by far consistently the most courteous, professional people that I have dealt with in any Israeli government office, medical office, etc. which I have dealt with in Israel over the 6 1/2 years since my Aliyah.
UN Unanimously Adopts International Holocaust Day
B’Ezrat Hashem, the Shoah, the slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews will always be remembered and never forgotten. MB