Month: November 2005
Oslo War Action …
State Asks HCJ: Reconsider ‘Neighbor Procedure’
Abbas: No al-Qaida Cells in Gaza or West Bank
Right, And YOU never denied the Holacaust, And Clinton “… Never had … with…” You know who. MB
Officer Injured in Rock-Throwing Attack
One Injured in Jerusalem Rock-Throwing Attacks
Parsha Vayera 5766
Eviction! Of the Arabs from the Jewish homeland!
by Yaakov Landsman
Parsha VaYera. Genesis 21 reads, in Part:
“9. Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian [Yishmael] , whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking [Isaac].”
“10. Therefore she said to Abraham, ‘Cast out [garesh] this handmaid and her son! For the son of this handmaid will not inherit [yirash] with my son, with Isaac.'”
“The contest for inheritance begins early – who will succeed Abraham? Who will inherit his land, his riches, and his blessing? As a small child, Ishmael was already bringing violence, lewdness and idolatry into the household. Sarah notes Ishmael’s behavior, especially his jealousy of Isaac. She no doubt knew that her husband Abraham was very connected to Ishmael, and yet, she must have thought the problem was important enough to demand: ‘Cast out [garesh] this handmaid and her son! For the son of this handmaid will not inherit [ki lo yirash] with my son, with Isaac.'”
What Really Happened to Iraq’s WMD??
Strong Evidence There Were WMD Weapons in Iraq
Excerpts of Where the WMDs Went
A London Sunday Times article in 2001 by Gwynne Roberts quoted an Iraqi defector as stating Iraq had nuclear weapons in a heavily guarded installation in the Hamrin mountains. Jabal Makhul is the most heavily guarded location in the Hamrin mountains. With its under-mountain bunker, isolation, and central location, it is the perfect place to store a high-value asset like a nuclear weapon.”
“On nukes, some analysts wait until there is unambiguous proof before stating a country has nuclear weapons. This may work in a courtroom, but intelligence is a different subject altogether. I believe it is more prudent to determine what is axiomatic given a nation’s capabilities and intentions. There was no question that Iraq had triggering mechanisms for a nuke, the question was whether they had enriched enough uranium. Given Iraq’s intensive efforts to build a nuke prior to the Gulf War, their efforts to hide uranium enrichment material from inspectors, the fact that Israel had a nuke but no Arab state could claim the same, my first-hand knowledge of the limits of UNSCOM and IAEA capabilities, and Iraqi efforts to buy yellowcake uranium abroad (Joe Wilson tea parties notwithstanding), I believe the TWELVE years between 1991 and 2003 was more than enough time to produce sufficient weapons grade uranium to produce a nuclear weapon. Maybe I have more respect for the Iraqis’ capabilities than some.”
Today President Katsav Meets Pope Benedict XVI …
Katsav and Pope Benedict XVI to Meet
To view the previous reports on President Katsav’s trip to the Vatican, please click here.
More on Kojak Omri’s Conviction …
Even if Convicted, Omri May Not Have to Resign from Knesset
“‘Due to the fact that determining whether an offense constitutes a crime of moral turpitude is an integral part of the ruling, the verdict handed down against the defendant cannot be seen as a final ruling,’ says criminal law expert Prof. Emanuel Gross. ‘A defendant can appeal just the issue of the turpitude, since this ruling is an essential part of the verdict. In other words, the issue of the turpitude must become final, and pending a final ruling on the matter of the turpitude, the lawmaker’s term in office cannot be terminated.'”
More Electioneering …
Landau Unwilling to Bow Out of Likud Race
PM Sharon Favors Early Elections
Lapid on Peretz’s Economics: No Free Lunch
Eidelberg Against Ichud Leumi and Mafdal
The Merger of Yamin Israel and the Jewish National Front
Replay of previous election minus Michael Kleiner and Herut. MB
Sharon Seriously Considering Launching a New Party
Sharon, Peretz Agree on February-March Elections
“‘I’m letting him choose a date in that period between the end of February and the end of March and whatever date he chooses is acceptable to me, the earlier the better,’ Peretz said. ‘(Sharon) was adamant that we need to go to elections as soon as possible.'”
BBC Interview on Plight of GK Refugees/’Evacuation Bonus’ for Police
BBC Interviews Sapersteins on Plight of GK Refugees
But Money Found for Police Junkets…
“Senior police officers who took part in recent pullout rewarded with trips abroad.”
“It pays to evacuate: Senior police officers who took part in the recent Gaza Strip and northern West Bank pullout are being rewarded with trips overseas at the police’s expanse, Israel’s leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday.”
The “Separation Fence” …
Mofaz: Start ASAP to Built Ma’aleh Adumim Fence
Partition Wall Set to Slice Gush Etzion
A little bit of Aza, that’s okay;
Quite a bit of Yesha, A-Ok;
A little Jordan Valley, what’d you say?;
A little Shalchevet, by the way;
Throw in Mt. Zion, yes you may … Done sarcastically to the lyrics of;
“A Little Bit of Monica …” MB
Israel and “Boiled Lobster” Prediction Coming True?
One of my emailers from yesterday emailed again to reiterate a section of that email; As indicated yesterday, “The Holy Land is being dealt away in bits and pieces rather than deJudaicized all at once. That’s the goal: the END of a Jewish homeland. Why? To prevent sudden, Israel-wide realization that specific local politicians are determined to end the existence of Judaism and its refined adherents.”
And of course, international politicians are part of the mix.
This got me to thinking. A number of years ago, my friend Jay Shapiro, another former Philadelphian, wrote a book on the Height of the Oslo era in the mid -1990s entitled, “The Government of Israel and The Boiled Lobster.”