Parsha Vayechi 5767: Eretz Yisrael, the Fast of 10 Tevet and the Regime Monkeys (or Rather Chimps) on our Back

Parsha Vayechi 5767: Eretz Yisrael, the Fast of 10 Tevet and the Regime Monkeys (or Rather Chimps) on our Back

by Moshe Burt

Last year, this author related how Parsha Vayechi recounts two experiences which carry a common thread relating to Eretz Yisrael. And this week, we’ve just completed our Fast of 10 Tevet. And one year later, it’s deemed important that this thread be recalled.

Our parsha tells how, when Yaakov saw that the time of his death was
near, he called for Yosef and made him (Yosef) promise not to bury him
(Yaakov) in Mitzriyim, but rather in Ma’Orat HaMachpela in Chevron. (Perek 47, posuk 29) read more


Parsha Vayigash 5767: Jewish Unity vs The Boiled Lobster

Parsha Vayigash 5767: Jewish Unity vs The Boiled Lobster

by, Moshe Burt

We leyned in the previous Parsha Mikeitz about the whole affair between Yosef and the brothers when they came to Mitzrayim to buy food and were accused by the Viceroy of being spies. We learned how after hearing their story and family history, the Viceroy demanded that they bring their youngest brother to him and incarcerated Shimon as insurance that the brothers would indeed return with Binyamin, their youngest brother. We learn that in the middle of Parsha Mikeitz, with the imprisonment of Shimon, the brothers recognized and attributed their predicament to the sin they had committed earlier by throwing Yosef into the pit and then selling him to the Mitzriyim. Yosef heard and understood their conversation and left their presence to cry silently. (Perek 42, posukim 21-24) read more


Parsha Mikeitz/Shabbos Chanukah 5767: A Message of Yosef: Never Assume That The Nations Accept an Obligation to the Jews

Parsha Mikeitz/Shabbos Chanukah 5767: A Message of Yosef: Never Assume That The Nations Accept an Obligation to the Jews

By, Moshe Burt

Three years ago, this author spoke at the Shul’s Shabbos Chanukah Oneg saying a vort about Yosef based on Jay Shapiro’s book “Almost Midrash.” The story of Yosef was encorporated into a fictional story entitled “Duaf of Memphis” from Shapiro’s book and this author dealt with the contrast of Yosef in Mitzrayim and the dialogue of Page 13 A & B of Gemora Megillah Esther (the dialogue between Achashveirosh and Haman resulting in the evil decree against the Jews). The point of the Torah Vort at that time was that with longevity in Shushan and throughout Achashveirosh’s Empire, as with Mitzrayim, the Jews were disparaged as either useless or too powerful. In both cases, the antagonists conveniently forgot about Yosef. The point was made as a lesson to the secular which sadly has been unlearned and the error repeated again and again throughout history in different ways whenever Jews got comfortable, complacent in where they were at the time and forgot who and what they are. In forgetting, they assimilate and, in our time, Chanukah evolves into “spin the dreidel”, cutsie, yet shallow assemblies in Conservative Synagogues to make it seem like they are doing something for Jewish youth, yet totally miss the meaning and message of what Chanukah is really all about. That was the focus of the Rav Kahane article circulated last Chanukah. read more

Parsha Vayeishev 5767: Yosef and the Pit, A Miracle for All Time

Parsha Vayeishev 5767: Yosef and the Pit, A Miracle for All Time
by, Moshe Burt

Last year, just before Chanukah, a short article appeared on the INN website; “Mortar Shells Filled With Chanukah Light” about the Menorah made from some of the spent Islamic mortal shells which were launched on Neve Dekalim over the years.

Reading about this special Menorah which was lit at one of the Jerusalem hotels which temporarily housed many former Neve Dekalim residents, took me back in time to Philadelphia, in “the “old country” and to a point made by Rav Yehoshua Kaganoff about the pit in which Yaakov was thrown. The point bears repeating. read more


Parsha Vayishlach 5767; Yaakov’s Three Pillars and Modern-Day Medinat Yisrael

Parsha Vayishlach 5767; Yaakov’s Three Pillars and Modern-Day Medinat Yisrael

by, Moshe Burt

As our Parsha begins, Yaakov sent melachim (angels), some render a translation of messengers, “… ahead of him to Eisev to the land of Seir, to the field of Edom… Thus shall you say … to Eisev, so said your servant Yaakov: ‘Im-Lavan garti’ (I have sojourned with Lavan) …” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 32, posukim 4 & 5)

When the melachim, the messengers return, they inform Yaakov that Eisev “is also coming to meet you; and there a four hundred men with him.” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 32, posuk 7) read more


Parsha Vayeitzei 5767: Distinguishing Good from Evil, Compassion from Cruelty…

Parsha Vayeitzei 5767: Distinguishing Good from Evil, Compassion from Cruelty

by Moshe Burt

In last week’s Parsha Toldos, we learned about Rivka, who rose above an evil environment while internalizing it’s insights and was thus well positioned to urge Yaakov to claim the Bracha, and about Yaakov, the “Ish Tam”. We learn that Yaakov was “totally honest, a man of great integrity”, who was master over the trait of being “tam”, a “‘plain man’, … without trickery, but he did not allow this character trait to dominate him. He knew when and where to act otherwise.” read more


Parsha Toldos 5767 — To Rise Above the Norms of One’s Surroundings and Nature…

Parsha Toldos 5767 — To Rise Above the Norms of One’s Surroundings and Nature…

by, Moshe Burt

Parsha Toldos opens by informing us “And Yitzchak was 40 years old when he took Rivka, the daughter of Besuel, the Aramite, from Padad Aram, the sister of Lavan, the Aramite, for himself for a wife. (Parsha Toldos, Breish’t Perek 25, posuk 20) Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, in his Sefer, “Growth Through Torah” writes that although Rivka was both the daughter of and sister of wicked people, “nevertheless, she did not learn from their evil behavior.” She did not emulate their evil. read more


Parsha Chaye Sarah: Avraham’s Well Developed Attribute of Intuitive Perception…

Parsha Chaye Sarah: Avraham’s Well Developed Attribute of Intuitive Perception…

by Moshe Burt

There are two intriguing commentaries, each relating to a different posuk of Parsha Chaye Sarah, regarding the dialogue leading up to Avraham Aveinu’s acquistion of the Ma’arat HaMachpela for 400 shekels of silver from Efron the Hittite.

The first of the two posukim is spoken by Avraham and says, in part, “I will have given the money for the field; take it of me …” (Breish’it, Perek 23, posuk 13) read more

Parsha Vayeira 5767: Today’s Lessons of Sodom…

Parsha Vayeira 5767: Today’s Lessons of Sodom

By Moshe Burt

Our Parsha opens with Hashem, as we understand, visiting Avraham Aveinu on the 3rd day after Bris Milah, when Avraham was at the height of his pain following the circumcision, as Rashi indicates, “to inquire about his welfare.” (Metsuda Linear Chumash rendering of Rashi on Perek 18, posuk 1)

It’s not like Hashem needed to pay a visit to ascertain Avraham’s actual condition for, Hashem is the Creator, The Master, The Ruler over the world who knows and is aware of everything. And so we learn and gain insight from this first posuk as to the Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim; showing, caring, giving strength and encouragement to the ill by visiting and caring about them. read more


Parsha Lech Lecha 5767: Aliyah — Ascending to the Real World…

Parsha Lech Lecha 5767: Aliyah — Ascending to the Real World…

By Moshe Burt

“Hashem said to Avram, Go for yourself from your land … to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation…” (Breish’t, Perek 12, posukim 1 & 2) Lech Lecha, the “Aliyah Parsha.”

Rashi writes on the posukim, “For your benefit and good. It is there that I will make you a great nation …” (Rashi on Breish’t, Perek 12, posuk 1) read more
