Criminal Probe Launched Against Olmert, Other Probes Possible

Police Launch Criminal Probe Against Olmert on Bank Leumi Sale, by by Gil Zohar (Israel National News)

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State prosecutor Eran Shendar ordered Israel Police to launch a criminal probe Tuesday against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert concerning the sale of the government’s shares in Bank Leumi.

Olmert, it is alleged, used his former position as finance minister in order to help two friends who were interested in buying the shares. Olmert has denied interfering in the tender for the state’s controlling interest in the bank. read more

Could This Be the Beginning of The End of Olmert Regime, or Validation of the Olmert/(Sharon) Etrog Theory?

PM’s Bureau Chief Under House Arrest, Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)

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Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s Bureau Chief is restricted to house arrest, while several others, including her brother, are in custody over a major tax and bribe scandal.

Shula Zaken, her brother Jerusalem City Councilman (Likud) Yoram Karashi, and others are suspected of involvement in accepting or arranging bribes from political figures and businesspeople in return for tax breaks and other favors.

Olmert’s Bureau Chief was restricted to house arrest for ten days by a Tel Aviv magistrate Tuesday night after being questioned by the fraud squad at its Bat Yam headquarters for more than eight hours. Her brother is in custody, along with the Director-General of the Israel Tax Authority and a private businessman. read more


Consequences of Israel Gov’t. Abrogation of Responsibilities; US Offcial: “Israel Won’t Bomb Iran”

US Official: Israel Won’t Bomb Iran


Iran’s nuclear facilities are too vast to be destroyed by a single air attack so Israel is unlikely to bomb it to forestall Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, a senior United States official said on Tuesday.

“This is a much more difficult problem militarily than taking on Saddam Hussein’s [nuclear] program,” he said. In Iran there are as many as 200 sites that are part of their nuclear program, although some are more important than others, he noted. read more


Great Mystery of Life: Why Two of Three Main Expulsion Protagonists Now Change Tunes About Refugees…

Official: Jews Expelled from Gaza ‘Victims’, by Aaron Klein (World News Daily)


Withdrawal Authority Says Israel Owes them ‘Almost Anything.’

The thousands of Jews evacuated last summer from the Gaza Strip are “victims” of a government policy and are owed “almost anything” by the state of Israel, said the chief of the withdrawal authority in charge of evacuees’ compensation.

…Leaders from Gush Katif have been turning to mainstream American Jewish organizations for immediate assistance, outlining to them a “humanitarian crisis.” But so far the organizations largely have refused to help. read more


The Evolution of Blood Libels Against Jews: From Wildfire Rumors to Prime Time Pallywood, Hezbollywood…

Our World: Prime-Time Blood Libels, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“Israel’s continued silence is a sign that Israeli officialdom has still not understood what the war of images demands of it. The Dura film, like the fictional massacre of Lebanese children at Kafr Kana in Lebanon this summer, shows that victory or defeat in wars is today largely determined on television. To win, Israel must go on the offensive and attack untruthful, distorted images that are used to justify the killing of Israelis and Jews throughout the world.” read more

Supreme Court’s Power Grab: Stepping into Every Void Left By Executive, Legislative Branches…

Judge, Jury and Executioner by Evelyn Gordon (Jerusalem Post)


Regardless of how the High Court of Justice ultimately rules, its issuance of a show-cause order last week against the government’s refusal to establish a state commission of inquiry into the Lebanon war – thereby effectively asserting the power to overturn this decision – represents a major new encroachment on the powers of the other two branches of government.

The problem that bothered the court is undeniably real: By instead establishing a governmental inquiry committee, the government retained the power to appoint the committee’s members, meaning that it essentially hand-picked the very people who will be investigating its actions. And that, despite the unquestionably high character of the committee members actually chosen, obviously makes it harder for the investigation to earn public credibility. read more


Winograd Committee = Evasion of Personal Responsibility for Fatal Failures…

Yes, Heads Must Roll, By Moshe Negbi (Haaretz)


It is not only the reserve soldiers who have difficulty considering the Winograd committee to be a reliable substitute for a state commission of inquiry. The judges sitting on the High Court of Justice have also showed their displeasure with the situation in which a person who is to be investigated appoints his own investigators. Justice Ayala Procaccia expressed doubts about whether a committee of inquiry could examine “so large a failure of the mechanism, such a colossal event,” when the central object under investigation is the government that appointed the committee. read more


Ongoing Nightmare at Kever Rachel: Is it Easier to Get to Uman than to the 3600 Year Old Jewish Holy site, Rachel’s Tomb, in Israel?

This is a crucial question and the perspective is a personal one, and so this blog will dispense with the usual third-person convention — “this author.” I’ve agonized on this ongoing story for months, out of concern for the welfare of those involved at the Kever Rachel complex, so as to not further jeopardize what is already a problematic situation with the regime and out of concern for the future of the various planned outreach progams to teach Israelis about what Ima Rachel means to the Jewish people. read more


Government/Military Command Incoherence, Incompetence Gone Wild in Lebanon…

Our World: Israel’s Strategic Rot, By Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“Order of Battle, by Division 91 Commander Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsh: ‘a massive infiltration with a small signature, charge, quick deployment in the commanding territories and the creation of cataclysmic contact with the built-up areas while inducing shock and awe.'”

“Division 91’s operations are being reviewed by none other than Brig.-Gen. Hirsh – who has asked to extend his command.” read more


Investigating Olmert …

Investigating Olmert By Michael Freund
(Israel National News)

Ehud Olmert is in trouble.

Despite the Government’s best efforts to avoid a serious inquiry into its handling of this summer’s Lebanon war, it now seems all but certain that wide-ranging investigation will, at last, take place.

Speaking before the Knesset State Control Committee today, State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss made clear that he has every intention of conducting a thorough examination of the Government’s conduct of the war. read more