Here’s the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Take on Who are ‘apikorsim’.
Lo Nishkach veLo Nislach! (“We Will Not Forget and We Will Not Forgive”) by Aliza Karp
The Implications and Consequences of Expulsion for the Jewish People
Here’s the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Take on Who are ‘apikorsim’.
Lo Nishkach veLo Nislach! (“We Will Not Forget and We Will Not Forgive”) by Aliza Karp
Haven’t We “Been There, Done That?”
Sharon Says No to Negotiations with Syria
Rabin’s pronouncement on the Golan all over again?? It’s like I always say; when an Israeli says “Don’t worry”, it’s time to start biting nails and worrying Big-Time! MB
Excerpts regarding “Compromise”;
“The Likud mediators, MKs Gideon Sa’ar and Michael Eitan, will present a proposal on Monday in the Likud Knesset faction that they hope will guarantee the party six months without disputes. But the proposal makes no mention of Monday’s vote, and Likud rebel MKs said that they would accept the proposal but oppose the appointments, almost guaranteeing the appointments’ failure.”
“Four years ago, in response to an Arab demand to reopen the market, the attorney general’s office notified the Israeli Supreme Court that: 1) the Arabs no longer had any legal rights to the shuk and 2) the Israeli ‘trespassers’ would be evicted from the site. The Israel supreme court never ruled that the former market’s Jewish population must be expelled from their homes.
Gush Katif Events Tuesday, Wednesday Evenings
The Tuesday protest, to be held at 6 PM outside the Prime Minister’s Residence near the Sheraton Plaza and Kings Hotel.
On Wednesday at 6PM, at the Binyanei HaUmah Convention Center (Near the Central Bus Station) Various Orange Groups will hold an event:
“We will not forget and we will not forgive.”
I have stayed away, until now, from scholarly detached, “even-handed” pieces which accept that the Expulsion was an unstoppable “fait accompli” from the moment that the words were uttered by Sharon (and his trial-balloon man Olmert). But here is a piece from someone seemingly detached from faith-based philosphy.
Two Reports on HaIvri Acquital;
High Court Justice Acquits HaIvri
“An amendment to the law pertaining to the prevention of terror led Haivri to request a new trial. While the state decided granting a new trial was not justifiable, considering the time and money invovled, Chief Justice Prof. Aaron Barak acquitted Haivri.”
More background on the anti-terrorism decree as related to the HaIvri case;
Retrial for Man Who Lauded Rabin Murder
“The Supreme Court determined … later in the separate case that a clause in the anti-terrorism decree … is limited only to the praise and encouragement of violent acts of terror organizations. According to the new interpretation, those who encourage violent acts not affiliated to terror groups cannot be tried by using the decree.”
Only 3 of 700 Evacuated Gaza Businesses Compensated
The Lies, Deceit and Intrigue continue, although it’s becoming increaingly difficult to cover up the truth. MB
State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities Report #13, November 4, 2005