Gush Katif Refugee Developments …

In the Deal for Selling the Gush Katif Greenhouses the Americans Deducted Thousands of Dollars from Gush Katif Farmers

Arab Conference Against Galilee Judaization to be Held Saturday


“A pamphlet published ahead of the conference, said that the plan, spearheaded by Vice Premier Shimon Peres, includes the sale of over 10,000 Galilee housing units to Jews in reduced prices, the expansion of some 100 communities in the Galilee as well as the establishment of new communities designated for Jews from the center of the country, evacuated Gaza settlers and new immigrants”.

“This will all be done at the expense of Israeli Arabs, whose land reserves will be decreased, the pamphlet said. They will not be able to expand their existing communities, while government ministries are refusing to build public housing projects and industrial zones for them, or provide employment opportunities and deal with the severe poverty and unemployment in the Arab sector.”

Settlement Plan for Gush Katif Refugees Approved by Cabinet Committee for Settlement
