Nitzana: Suspected Infiltration Causes Alert
Living on a Prayer: Three Months After Evacuation
“On Yom Kippur eve, Kirshenzaft received a call from a soldier who had evacuated them from their home asking for forgiveness. According to Kirshenzaft, the soldier wept on the phone that he regretted his actions and couldn’t sleep at night.”
“Recalls Kirshenzaft, ‘I told him that according to Maimonides, it is not enough to regret actions…one must commit never to do that same action again. I asked if he would follow such orders again and he swore he would not. So I forgave him. But other security officers involved in the expulsion, including one whom I have been friendly with for 25 years, called to ask if we were still friends …they are full of excuses …the brainwashing that it is good for democracy, for the State of Israel. Them I cannot forgive because they have not repented, but I feel sorry for them …they are more unfortunate than us. Despite what the higher-ups say, the soldiers have been traumatized for life. I heard that one kippa-wearing soldier who accompanied our family on the bus was admitted to a psychiatric hospital soon afterwards.'” read more