Dual Standard: Protexia Olmert Sends Others to Fight While Sons Evade


While nearly every other previous Israeli prime minister, defense minister, etc. who had sons sent them to fight the nation’s wars alongside their fellow Jews, Ehud Olmert is truly the paradigm protexia-class leader who sends his sons to evade their national duty. How dare he therefore refer to those who settle the land and who are willing to fight for it a disgrace! We have a prime minister who is an abject disgrace — boastful, incompetent leadership and total lack of moral leadership. He psychologically projects his own disgrace onto those of the governed who oppose him. MB read more


Parsha Vayishlach 5768; Yaakov’s Three Pillars vs Their Modern-Day Negation by a Protexia Medinat Yisrael


by Moshe Burt

As our Parsha begins, Yaakov sent melachim (angels), some render a translation of messengers, “… ahead of him to Eisev to the land of Seir, to the field of Edom… Thus shall you say … to Eisev, so said your servant Yaakov: ‘Im-Lavan garti’ (I have sojourned with Lavan) …” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 32, posukim 4 & 5)

When the melachim, the messengers return, they inform Yaakov that Eisev “is also coming to meet you; and there a four hundred men with him.” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 32, posuk 7) read more


A Kohen’s Take: The Likud Central Committee Vote and Jerusalem


As this week’s Parshat HaShevua is Parsha Emor, it seems appropriate apply precepts which I have derived from our Parsha to our collective current malaise:

The function of the Kohen in relationship to his fellow Jews is meant to be the paradigm of how the Jews are meant to relate to the nations as a light unto the world. The point is that the Kohanim are meant to be a paradigm, to set an example for all of B’nai Yisrael regarding derech, midos, chessed to one’s brothers — one’s fellow Jews, and of Avodat Hashem. read more


Parsha Emor 5770: The Kohanic Paradigm of Purity, Unity vs the Forces of Defilement

by Moshe Burt

The positioning in Torah of our Parsha Emor, following last week’s Parsha Kedoshim gives rise to thought and contemplation.

In the previous 2 twin Parshas; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim, and Tazria and Metzora before them, we learn about the Kohen as the only one Divinely invested with ruling as to Tumah or Ta’Hara regarding ones’ skin, hair, clothing or homes as well as with being the vehicle for Yom Kippur avodah in the Kadosh Kedoshim and as the model of Darchim for the entire B’nai Yisrael to ideally emulate as a model for all mankind. read more


Parsha Acharei Mos/Kedoshim 5770: The Kohen – Paradigm for the Jews, as Light for Mankind

by Moshe Burt

Our twin Parshiyot; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are what baseball fans refer to as another of the “doubleheader” parshas. And just as Parshiyot Tazria and Metzora are extensions of each other, visa vi Tumah and Ta’Hara regarding post-birth, regarding skin, hair, clothing or regarding one’s home or building; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are extensions of each other regarding Kohanim, Yom Kippur, the Kohen’s Yom Kippur avodah in the Kadosh Kedoshim and the Kohanic model of Darchim, which ideally the entire B’nai Yisrael would embrace and exhibit as a model for all mankind. read more


Parsha Emor 5769: The Kohen’s Purity in Joining Physical and Spiritual


by Moshe Burt

The positioning in Torah of our Parsha Emor, following last week’s Parsha Kedoshim gives rise to thought and contemplation.

In the previous 2 twin Parshas; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim and Tazria and Metzora before them, we learn about the Kohen as the only one Divinely invested with ruling as to Tumah or Ta’Hara regarding ones’ skin, hair, clothing or homes as well as with being the vehicle for Yom Kippur avodah in the Kadosh Kedoshim and as the model of Darchim for the entire B’nai Yisrael to ideally emulate as a model for all mankind. read more


Parsha Acharei Mos/Kedoshim 5769: The Kohen – Paradigm for Loving Care, Conduit for Unity


by Moshe Burt

Our twin Parshiyot; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are what baseball fans refer to as another of the “doubleheader” parshas. And just as Parshiyot Tazria and Metzora are extensions of each other, visa vi Tumah and Ta’Hara regarding post-birth, regarding skin, hair, clothing or regarding one’s home or building; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are extensions of each other regarding Kohanim, Yom Kippur, the Kohen’s Yom Kippur avodah in the Kadosh Kedoshim and the Kohanic model of Darchim, which the entire B’nai Yisrael ideally embraces and exhibits as a model for all mankind. read more


Haunted: By Today’s Parallels With the Shoa Era


This author completely concurs with Batya of Shilo Musing’s “Haunting” post, except for one thing.

I think that this is what should have written near the bottom;

… and the Arabs, with the full support of the entire world, including the United States, the United Nations, the world’s media and the Israeli Left, want the entirety of what is Israel — from Judea, Samaria (Biblical Heartland) to Tel Aviv, Netanya, to Haifa, to the Jordan Valley, to the Golan, to the Negev — judenrein as well as most of the Middle-East. read more


Regime’s Blind Drive To Secular Ghetto Devoid of Jewishness


This is a tough piece to write. But then, the headlines both during the weeks before Pesach and during Chol HaMoed are tough to come to grips with.

In rapid -fire succession; the “supreme court rulings” permitting hametz to be sold, as long as not in the public domain, i.e. in restaurants and granting citizenship to “Messianic Jews” as long as at least the father is Jewish. Then there is all of this talk about both “truces” or “ceasefires” with Hamas, the latest version being a six month halt, as translated; Hudna and about Olmert’s readiness to hand the Golan Heights over to Syria in exchange for the Syrian brand of Hudna. All the while, the Olmert, Livni, Barak troika continues carving up Jerusalem. There is this morning’s attack by PA terrorists on the Nitzane Shalom industrial complex near Tulkarm which killed 2 Israeli armed guards, thus showing the sheer lunacy of Israel’s notion of building industrial complexes to provide employment for it’s enemy. And finally, there is the latest “fly in the ointment” in efforts to secure Jonathan Pollard’s freedom;
the indictment in New York, some 23 years later, of a now 85 year old former US Army Engineer accused only decades later of spying for Israel between 1979 and 1985. read more


Jew; “If You’re Alive, You Must be Guilty!”


A number of years ago when the legal aide organization Honenu came into existence, their front page showed the picture of a screaming, hysterical woman and the words, “If You’re Alive, You Must be Guilty!”

That simple picture, despite growth of Honenu’s legal services on behalf of Jews who have been incarcerated and imprisoned for defending themselves against Arab terror or for oppposition to regime in power, Arab lynch mobs or perceived imminent body threat to their being, remains indelibly sealed in this author’s minds-eye. read more
