Shas Talks on Joining Livni Government: Jerusalem Not Necessarily Red Line?



Is there anything at all new under the sun? We’ve known the FACTS regarding Shas’ Jerusalem priority, or lack thereof, for over six months. MB

Shas Negotiating Attorney Indicates Jerusalem Not Necessarily Red Line, Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 17 October 2008 (IMRA)

Full Text;

In a live interview broadcast during the noon news program today of Israel Radio, Attorney David Glass, who is negotiating with representatives of FM Livni on behalf of the Shas party, explained that should a deal be reached with Livni for Shas to join her ruling coalition and the agreement does not preclude negotiations over Jerusalem with the Palestinians that the decision to accept the deal would be left up to the Shas Council of Sages and Rabbi Yosef. read more


Kadima Party, Leaders: Conceived and Born in Sin


431 Vote Difference in Tainted Party Primary NOT National Mandate


For those not too young, timid or politically equivocal to remember the truth; the Kadima Party was conceived in evil and formed by the 2 1/2 year comatose former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a Super-Party shelter and safe-haven for all of main facilitators of the August 2005 expulsions of Jews from their homes, assets, communities and Shuls in Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns.

And who were the chiefs among these facilitators of the August, 2005 expulsion besides Sharon who shared his vision of consolidation, convergence, realignment; synonyms for using the Gush Katif model for making Yehuda and the Shomron Yudenrein and handing biblical Jewish land and heritage to the enemy? read more


Kadima: Not One Honest, Moral Candidate Among Them


This blog has boycotted discussion of today’s Kadima vote and the four Kadima candidates facing primary vote today for there is not one of them worthy of any high office. The Kadima party, since the comatose chief of Expulsion formed it, has been the migrated home of every politically corrupt, morally perverted deviate and has not one honest, personally moral candidate with any degree of honesty among them.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but they have totally corrupted and and subverted Israel’s governance by divide and conquer and numerous other rouges such that roughly 75,000 party members will dictate to over 6,000,000 who will govern the nation. These comments in no way negate the complicity of other political alignments; Shas, Labor, Mafdal, Gimmel and yes, the Likud too — all of which have ducked confrontations with Kadima which, at any point could have consigned these Kadima masters of moral turpitude to political oblivion. read more


Shas: Are You Ready to Leave, Bring Elections Yet Over Jerusalem?



Once again, the Shas party, in a position to bring about near- instant elections, instead continues to choose bluster and crocodile tears rather than doing the right and moral thing — leaving the government NOW.

For context on the whole sordid Shas/Jerusalem experience, click here. MB

Shas: Olmert Has No Legal Right to Sign on Jerusalem

Full Text;

Shas party chairman and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Eli Yishai warned Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday not to sign off with the Palestinian Authority on a deal to divide Jerusalem. read more


Friday War News: 50 Mortars, Kassams, Katyushas Lambast Ashkelon, Eshkol Region, Major Gaza Border Terror Attack Averted; Molotov, Rock Attacks, Tanzim Operative Nabbed

Israel Still Seeks Truce After 50 Projectiles [Mortar Shells, Kassam and Katyusha rockets] Pound Negev, by Yaakov Katz and Herb Keinon (Jerusalem Post)

IDF: We Prevented Major Gaza Border Terror Attack


Gaza militants were planning to use the heavy barrage as a diversion in order to carry out a massive attack at the border fence between Israel and the Strip.

A heavy vehicle approached IDF troops stationed at the Gaza border fence at an alarming speed, the IDF described the attempted attack. The soldiers opened fire and forced the vehicle to stop. The IDF said that it was the soldiers’ quick response that likely prevented a serious attack. read more


Parsha Behar 5768; Shemittoh and the Bond Between Jew and HIS Land


by Moshe Burt

Rashi asks a critical question on the very first posuk of our Parsha;
“Hashem spoke to Moshe on Har Sinai, saying.” (Parsha Behar, Vayikra Perek 25, posuk 1) He asks why the laws of Shemittoh are singled out as having been given at Sinai. Were not all of the Mitzvot said at Sinai?” He answers that just as all of the Mitzvot; their general rules and their specifics were taught at Sinai, so too were the general rules and specifics regarding Shemittoh taught at Sinai. Rashi then reasons that the posuk comes to teach us that every utterance said to Moshe, they were all from Sinai. read more


“Religious” Parties: Connect Hametz With G.K., Jerusalem Division, More?




MK Rabbi Avraham Ravitz and Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yonah Metzger have both spoken out against legalized sale of Hametz anywhere in Israel during Pesach. Rabbi Metzger went so far as to connect successive regimes’-sponsored decline [or disintegration] of Jewish values with decline in performance of reserve duty which the generals and commanders attribute to erosion of reservists’ value system.

Are the so-called “religious” parties, and their Rabbis, able to connect all the dots between legalized Hametz sale during pesach and the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, the division of Jerusalem going on as we speak, attempts to evict the residents of Shalom House in Hevron and the contemplated eviction of 100,000 more Jews of Yesha disguised as bogus “peace” Talks? read more

Livni Repartitioning Jerusalem, WHERE’S SHAS?



How many more facts and realities will Shas disregard and rationalize away in their abandonment of Jerusalem for the love of money and partison self-aggrandisement?

Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA makes these comments about the consequences of the Olmert, Livni, Ramon partition of Jerusalem polices, and Shas’ acceptance and enablement of them, and what these policies have wrought by way of President Bush’s upcoming 60 year Yom Hatsma’ot visit to Israel; read more


The Horse’s Mouth: Shas Won’t Leave for “Just Jerusalem”



For those who had any doubts about the Shas party’s lack of spiritual connection to Jerusalem or anything not directly connected to Shas pockets, their latest spokesman, Communications Minister Ariel Attias has already kissed off Yehuda and the Shomron as what Shas “was not created for,” now dispells all doubts;

“If there is progress in the negotiations about the [whole] country, and not just Jerusalem, that would cause the party to leave the government.” read more


Still More Proof Olmert Regime Dividing Jerusalem; Shas Remains



Despite the increasing blatancy of the Olmert Regime’s division of Jerusalem, Shas remains in the government. Quite frankly, one must doubt that they would even make good their most recent empty “threat” to leave the government over bakeries selling and restaurants serviing Hametz during Pesach. The Shas party and its leadership have shown themselves to be a shallow, external appearing “religious” party, totally lacking ANY Jewish principles or values. One Gentile blogger looking at Shas’ hypocrisy has a point; They are pathetic. MB read more