Why Do Even Gentiles Care More About the Holiness of Jerusalem Than Does the Government of Israel???

Vatican to Israel: Ban Gay Parade

The Vatican on Wednesday asked Israel to ban a gay parade this week in Jerusalem, saying the march in the city considered holy to Jews, Muslims and Christians would offend the faithful.

Thousands of gay activists are expected to march in Jerusalem on Friday.

“The Holy See has reiterated on many occasions that the right to freedom of expression … Is subject to just limits, in particular when the exercise of this right would offend the religious sentiments of believers,” the Vatican said. read more

Parshat Balak 5776: Toleration of “Novel, Misleading Ideologies” in Bamidbar and Today?

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua is being sponsored by Mutti & Michelle Frankel and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh in honor of the birthday of their son Eliyahu ben Baruch Mordechai, their Chayal. The Frankels are very proud of Eliyahu and wish him a Happy Birthday. To the Frankel family, many thanks for your sponsorship, support and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more


Parsha Balak 5773: Historical Parallels — Today’s Bila’ams, and Motivations for Toleration of Evil in the Camp

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua is being sponsored by Avraham and Miriam Deutsch of Efrat in honor of Kol Am Yisrael — Am Yisrael Chai! To the Deutsch family, many thanks for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring (or as the case may be, co-sponsoring) a Parshat HaShevua. Please be in contact with me with any questions, or for further details. read more


Parsha Balak 5772: Historical Parallels and Motivations for Toleration of Evil in the Camp

by Moshe Burt

We learn in our Parsha, that after having utterly failed to bring Hashem to curse B’nai Yisrael, Bila’am left Balak with a scheme to seduce Jewish men to avodah zora by way of immorality (co-habitation), thus evoking Hashem’s wrath. The resultant plague killed 24,000 Jewish men and was only ended by Pinchas’ zealous act in slaying Zimri and Kosbi in one stroke of his spear.

The Midrash Says (by Rabbi Moshe Weissman, Parsha Balak, pages 350-351) indicates that Bila’am’s Ba’al Peor scheme began by attracting airev rav — those who accompanied the Jews out of Mitzrayim. But, then the attraction lured members of Shevet Shimon. The account states that Hashem revealed those who sinned by removing The Clouds of Glory from above the guilty ones. read more


Parsha Balak 5771: Historical Parallels — Toleration of Evil in the Camp: Then and Now

by Moshe Burt

Sefer Shem Mishmuel, translated to English by Rabbi Zvi Belovski (page 347), relates that:

While journeying to meet …Balak, with the intention of cursing the …Jewish nation, …Bila’am had difficulties with his donkey. The animal kept stopping [or straying off of the path], frightened by an angel that Bila’am was unable to see. Bila’am lashed out at the animal, and after the third time a miracle occured:

Hashem opened the mouth of the donkey, and it said to Bila’am. “What have I done to you, that you hit me these three times?” (Sefer Bamidbar Perek 22, posuk 28, as cited in the Sefer Shem Mishmuel, page 347) read more


Olmert’s Lust for Power, Over National Welfare, Security: A Mirror-Reflection of People’s Lack of Will

Parsha Shelach 5767: Moshe’s Blessing to Yehoshua — Paradigm of a Real Jewish Leader

By Moshe Burt

Prior to the Miraglim setting out on their mission to Eretz Yisrael, Moshe Rabbeinu prayed for Hoshea, that he should gain the strength, conviction and principle to stand against the false testimony of the other spies and to eventually lead B’nei Yisrael. Moshe blessed him before the mission and changed his name to Yehoshua which conveys the above attributes.

This prayer and blessing of Moshe Rabbeinu to Yehoshua begs the definition of the qualities which make a Real Jewish Leader. read more

Dayenu 5767: The Leftist Dayenu?

by Moshe Burt

This year will mark twelve years, and my ninth Pesach in Eretz Yisrael. As has become tradition with me from prior to my Aliyah, I am emailing the rendition of Dayenu quoted from the book “Dear Brothers.” In each year, Dayenu holds a unique perspective, unlike the perspective of any previous year.

But this year, this thought has crossed my mind several times. Has anyone ever wondered what goes on in leftist, secular, elitist, “politically-correct” homes and circles at the Pesach Seder table? Does one wonder how the Yossie Beilin or Yossie Sarid families have a Seder? Whether Tommy Lapid and son Yair Lapid break matzoh, or is that chometz, on Pesach night? And what about Pesach back at the ranch with the Sharons, in the months before the expulsion, before the stroke, the incapacitation, the coma — Arik and sons Omri and Gilad? Or the Olmert home, with the flaming leftist wife, the gay daughter, the son who does not see fit to live in his native land, as if it were just another piece of real estate — not worth any more than what may be his cushy, comfortable setting in Chutz l’Aretz? Has anyone wondered how they all relate(d) to Dayenu? read more

Parsha Vayeira 5767: Today’s Lessons of Sodom…

Parsha Vayeira 5767: Today’s Lessons of Sodom

By Moshe Burt

Our Parsha opens with Hashem, as we understand, visiting Avraham Aveinu on the 3rd day after Bris Milah, when Avraham was at the height of his pain following the circumcision, as Rashi indicates, “to inquire about his welfare.” (Metsuda Linear Chumash rendering of Rashi on Perek 18, posuk 1)

It’s not like Hashem needed to pay a visit to ascertain Avraham’s actual condition for, Hashem is the Creator, The Master, The Ruler over the world who knows and is aware of everything. And so we learn and gain insight from this first posuk as to the Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim; showing, caring, giving strength and encouragement to the ill by visiting and caring about them. read more
