Shabbos War News: Kassam Hits Near Ashkelon, Chayal Loses Leg in Gaza Mortar Attack, Gaza Crossings Closed; Eight Israelis Including Chabad Rabbi, Wife Dead in Mumbai Terror, Unknown Number Israelis Still Missing in Mumbai, Terrorists Used Google Earth in Attack
Kassam Fired From Northern Gaza Strip Lands Near Ashkelon; No Casualties
Gaza Crossings Closed After Weekend Attacks
Foreign Ministry Confirms Deaths of Eight Israelis [Including Chabad Shaliach Rabbi Gabriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka] in Mumbai, by Yaakov Lappin (Jerusalem Post)
Israelis Still Missing in Mumbai; Jewish Agency to Help
Report: Terrorists Used Google Earth to Target Sites [As Hezbollah Did in Lebanon Conflict]
Parsha Vayeitzei 5769: Yaakov and Practical Applications of Compassion and Cruelty
In last week’s Parsha Toldos, we learned about Rivka, who rose above an evil environment while internalizing it’s insights and was thus well positioned to urge Yaakov to claim the Bracha, and about Yaakov, the “Ish Tam”. We learn that Yaakov was “totally honest, a man of great integrity” but was also master over the trait of being “tam”, a “‘plain man’, … without trickery. This means that Yaakov did not allow this “Ish Tam” character trait to dominate him. He knew when and where to act otherwise. We knew that from his demand for the birthright from Eisev in exchange for the lentil soup. These traits surely seemed inculcated to Yaakov as a result of Rivka Imeinu’s nurturing.
Ramat Beit Shemesh Shuls Pray at Hevron’s Beit HaShalom
On Thursday afternoon, a bus load of members of 2 Ramat Beit Shemesh Kehillot; Beit Tefillah Yona Avraham, Menorat Hamaor and their Rabbanim Rav Chaim Zev Malinowitz and Rav Daniel Myers travelled to Hevron to pray before Rosh Chodesh Kislev and to give chizuk to all living in the “Peace House” — Beit HaShalom who face the prospect of sudden eviction by the immoral, unethical, UnJewish regime which governs the Jewish State. As we came close to Kiryat Arba, we made a stop to view the ruins resulting from the regime’s Yassamnik pogrom which utterly trashed and destroyed the Federman-Tor Farm as well as persecuting the families living there. As the Yassamnikim did their detestable deeds, IDF Officers tricked a group of Yeshiva student soldiers into standing guard over the event under the guise of searching for terrorists. In so doing, the soldiers stationed on the periphery unwittingly stopped and turned back Jews coming to the aid of the Federman-Tor families telling them that the area was dangerous, that the IDF was searching for terrorists.
Friday War News: Islamic Terrorists Strike at Jews in Mumbai; House Damaged in Gaza Racket Attack, Molotov Near Gaza IDF Patrol; 5 Terrorists Nabbed
Parsha Toldos 5769 Addition: Rifka and Application of Nurture L’Shem Shemayim
There is an additional dimension to Rifka’s elevated Torah morality and ethic which was not previously discussed in the earlier Parsha HaShevua for Parsha Toldos.
The Midrash Says (Sefer Breish’t, page 225) notes, near the end Parsha Chaye Sarah, Rifka’s unequivocal decision to accompany Eliezer back to Avraham and Yitzchak.
It is said that both Lavan and Rifka’s mother attempted all kinds of rouges to delay Rifka’s departure. Her father, Besuel, died of his own poison which he planted in Eliezer’s food but a Moloch switched plates. And so they demanded that Rifka remain behind to mourn for her father and to prepare a Bridal trousseau.
Jonathan Pollard, Beit HaShalom: On Our Minds, in Our Hearts, Prayers

The title speaks to 2 of THE major issues (if that’s the most appropriate term to use) very much on the mind of religious Jews in Israel, and hopefully in the US as we approach the end of Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan and Rosh Kodesh Kislev. The other two issues are, of course, the election campaign and the economy — in Israel, the US and internationally.
Firstly, Jonathan Pollard. Here is neither the place, nor the time for a rehash of Jonathn Pollard’s This author has compiled a category entitled Jonathan Pollard where readers can view blog posts dating back to January, 2006. To be informed about the entire Pollard case, click on Justice for Jonathan Pollard: the official website authorized by Jonathan and Esther Pollard.
Weekend War News: Kassam Attacks and IAF Response; Arab Stonings Injure 2 Israelis, IDF Nabs 4 Terrorists, Grenade Detonated Harmlessly, Arabs Attack Cab Driver, Steal Cab
For Jonathan Pollard: Is it Now or …?

There is a big push on to bring about Jonathan Pollard’s pardon, release and liberation from US prison as President George Bush’s term in office draws to an end.
Below is a video and letter of urgent appeal to temporary Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, as he pays a farewell visit to President Bush as the latter’s term comes to a close, to plead for Pollard’s release.
And as we have long ago learned not to put trust and reliance on duplicitous Israeli prime ministers and functionaries, those seeking Jonathan Pollard’s liberation have called upon all who seek his freedom to call Washington DC phone numbers; 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414 daily in a show of public support for pardoning and releasing Jonathan from incarceration.
Increased Arab Provocations; Regime, Yassam, IDF Totally Focused — on Shalom House

Readers of this blog have surely noted the upsurge in Arab provocations; from Gaza, attacks on the IDF, Jewish motorists throughout Yehuda and the Shomron, stabbing attacks and attempts in and near the entrances to Jerusalem and more.
As the Arabs ratchet-up terror throughout Israel; the regime, its police and special police forces, as well as the IDF are totally focused — on harrassing, persecuting, destroying and preparing to evict Jews from legally-aquired Jewish property at Beit HaShalom.