Rav Eliyahu: Forbidden to Join Coalition Promoting Additional Expulsion; Bostoner Rebbe: No Coalition Negotiation Before Torah Council Decides …

Rabbi Eliyahu Releases a Statement of Warning & Instruction


Former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu told a conference of rabbis in Jerusalem’s Binyanei HaUma Convention Center that it is forbidden to enter into a coalition government that advocates additional surrender of land to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority (PA).

The forum was an urgent meeting of rabbinical and other leaders, addressing concerns of the new incoming Kadima-led government supporting additional expulsions of Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria. read more

Mofaz: Political Lightweight, Diplomatic Naivete’, Height of Arrogance …

Mofaz Presents Israel’s Final Borders

Full Text;

Israel will begin setting its final borders over the next two years according to a plan based on including the major West Bank settlement blocs and the Jordan Valley, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Spelling out his vision of the future borders, Mofaz said in an exclusive interview that Israel would retain control over the settlements of Ofarim and Beit Aryeh, currently on the Palestinian side of the security fence. He also indicated that the withdrawal from the West Bank would include civilians and the military. But, he said, Israel would retain a “free hand” to operate within the evacuated areas at its discretion. read more

“Will Sharon continue … to turn Jew against Jew in the hopes of inciting a civil war?”

Heart-Rending Complete Speech of Caroline Glick


“One of the most fundamental lessons we learned growing up in our parents’ house was the difference between reality and fantasy.”

“As children, the distinction seemed obvious to us. But apparently, the difference between the two is a lot less easy to discern than it would seem.”

“This must be the case because the fact of the matter is that today, for the second time in 12 years, a government of Israel — being led by an elderly politician with a distant past as a war hero — is basing its policies on fantasy rather than reality.” read more


Today’s Election Politics …

Eitam: Likud Preferred Party Unity Over Land of Israel


“Eitam said, ‘The Likud, which was afraid to depose Sharon before he lifted his hand against Gush Katif, is today paying the price of the treachery against the values of the nationalist camp, and for the turning of their back against the settlers. The Likud now sees how its leader abandons the sinking ship after he made holes in its ideological bottom, and now goes to bring new wind into the left-wing sails.‘”

“‘Those who sacrificed the wholeness of the Land of Israel on the altar of the wholeness of the Likud Party,’ Eitam said, ‘now see that dividing the Land of Israel leads to the division of the Likud Party.'” read more


Continuing Coverage of President Katsav, the Vatican and Mt. Zion — David HaMelech’s Kever …

In continuing coverage of the situation of Mt. Zion, David HaMelech’s Kever and the Vatican, it must be reported that despite 2 denials from President Katsav’s Office and this report in last Thursday’s Jerusalem Post, things just don’t seem right, something still seems amiss.

Jerusalem City Councilwoman Mina Fenton continues expressing nagging concerns about a variety of church activities in the Land of Israel over the years.

Two opinion pieces covering this issue also appear in today’s Jerusalem Post: read more