Official Vote Result, or “The Right-Wing Won but Likud Lost”


The soldiers, diplomatic corp., etc. votes, counted last on Thursday and previously thought to alter the Knesset seat distribution, was added to the to the other 99% of the vote and turned out to be inconsequential to the outcome.

The quote above, included in the headline; “The Right-Wing won but Likud lost” is a parody from Moshe Feiglin on one of THE all-time classic post-election epitaphs which was uttered by Shimon Peres in explaining how Binyamin Netanyahu squeeked past him in the 1996 elections: read more


Thursday War News: Another Gaza Mortar Violates Ceasefire; Firebomb, Rocks Pelt Jews in Yesha, 20 Terrorists Nabbed


Election Results UPDATE: Kadima Clings to 1 Seat Lead; Do IDF Votes Hold Victory Margin?


With over 99% of the vote counted on Wednesday, Kadima still clings to a slender 1 Knesset seat lead over the Likud as the real results seem to closely relate to the exit poll data .

The nearly completed actual results showed that the Arab parties gained 1 seat to total 11 while the Left dropped 16 seats vs their position in the current Knesset while the Right picked up 19 seats and the Religious parties dropped by 4 seats vs the current Knesset. Israel National News reports that the soldiers vote could affect which party garners the most Knesset seats: read more


Exit Polls: Kadima Holds Slim Lead, Likud Closing-In on Real Count


Israel’s polls closed at 10:00 PM and the major Israeli media exit polls [here, here and here] and initial election returns showed Tzipi Livni and Kadima with a slim 2 Knesset seat lead over the Likud and its party leader Binyamin Netanyahu.

These exit polls indicate that Kadima won 28-30 Knesset seats while the Likud garnered 27-28 Knesset seats. Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party won 14-15 seats while Ehud Barak and the Labor party showed 13 seats on all of the exit polls. Shas finished fifth winning between 9-10 seats. read more


Monday War News: IAF Retaliates for Sunday’s Rockets on South, Humanitarian Aid Continues Despite Rocket Attacks, IDF Explodes Bombs Found Near Hevron, Molotovs Thrown at Cars, Buses, 5 Terrorists, 93 Illegals Nabbed

IDF Bombs Hamas Police Station [Other Targets] after Rocket Attacks, by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (Israel National News)


“Israel Air Force F-16 planes strafed two Hamas terrorist positions, including a police station, in Khan Yunis in south-central Gaza, in the pre-dawn hours Monday. No injuries were reported, but the targets sustained damage.”

Humanitarian Aid Continues Despite Ongoing Attacks [No UNRWA Shipments, but World Food Program, World Health Organization and CARE Continue], by Hana Levi Julian (Israel National News) read more


Parsha Yithro 5769: What Brought Yithro to B’nai Yisrael?


by Moshe Burt

We learn that when Yithro had heard all that Hashem did for B’nai Yisrael, he left Midian with Tzippora and Moshe’s two sons and went to join with the Jews.

We are not absolutely certain as to whether any one specific event Yithro heard boosted him to circumcise himself and to go out to join the B’nai Yisrael, and if so, which exact event it was, or whether it was the sum total of all he had heard which convinced him to become a Jew.

In the sefer Ner Uziel: Perspectives on the Parsha, Rabbi Uziel Milevsky z’l writes on Parsha Yithro (p. 380-383) writes indicating that were Yithro have come to join the Jews after Yetziat Mitziyim or after the cri’at Yam Suf, it would have been unlikely that he could have joined with the Jews due their concern as to what his motivations might be; i.e. whether he was anxious to be on a winning team, on the right side, not unlike many athletes who, when reaching free agency status, seek the best deal, to earn more that their peers, to join onto the team which has gone all-the-way. Rabbi Milevsky cites indications that B’nai Yisrael didn’t accept Gerim during the reigns of David HaMelech and Shlomo HaMelech when B’nai Yisrael was at the zenith of prestige and power in the world. read more


Aish HaTorah Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Noah Weinberg Passes Away



Rabbi Noah Weinberg, the founder and Rosh Yeshiva of the internationally known Aish HaTorah Yeshiva was niftar Thursday morning in his Jerusalem home at age 79.

The website reports that R’ Weinberg z”l was recently diagnosed with a serious illness:

Update: December 24, 2008

After undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments in Israel earlier this year, Rabbi Weinberg has been recuperating but is still very weak. In the midst of all this, Rabbi Weinberg never stopped moving forward in his lofty goals. He came to Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem almost every day – teaching and strategizing ways to help the Jewish people. read more


Likud Paying Huge Price in Lost Votes for Bibi’s Demotion of Feiglin


The Jerusalem Post’s Gil Hoffman reports Binyamin Netanyahu has apparently engaged Avigdor Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu in a battle to regain votes for his Likud party as polls indicate that the gap between Likud and Kadima is narrowing while Yisrael Beiteinu’s popularity is mounting. Hoffman notes that;

According to a Ma’agar Mohot poll broadcast on Channel 2 last night, the Likud has lost six seats, including three to Israel Beiteinu… The poll showed Israel Beiteinu receiving 19 seats. read more


Comments On the 4 Major Party Leaders


We’ll begin with the totally absurd first.

It appears as if the election position of Ehud Barak and his Labor party has become sooo dire that he has completely given up on wooing centerist voters in favor of bringing Meretz voters back. Otherwise, why else would he offer such an outrageously absurd idea as a 48-kilometer tunnel connecting Gaza with Judea “…under Israeli sovereignty with Palestinian control of the traffic”?

According to Israel National News reports on Barak’s Gaza-Judea tunnel scheme: read more
