Tuesday, Wednesday War News: Gaza Rocket, Mortar Attacks and IAF Responses; Arab Toss Molotovs Near Ramallah, Peduel, 38 Terrorists Nabbed — 12 Near Kalkilya, Elon Moreh, Carjacking Near Tul Karem, Stoning Near Hevron

Gaza Terrorists Fire Rocket Attack at Negev Kibbutz [in Sha’ar HaNegev Region], Again, by Hana Levi Julian (Israel National News)

IAF Strikes 2 Gaza Targets…, by Shmulik Hadad (Ynet)

Related report:IDF Attacks Hamas Position, Tunnels

The IDF hit a Hamas outpost and seven smuggling tunnels on Tuesday night. The strikes took place in Khan Yunis and along the Gaza-Egypt border.

The strikes were a response to rocket attacks on southern Israel. No casualties were reported.

Mortar Shell Strikes Western Negev; No Wounded Reported read more


Netanyahu’s Cheshbonot Forming a Government: Kadima or Right-Wing?

Caroline Glick provides an analysis, either self-perceived or perceived by Bibi as to the factors and dilemmas that Netanyahu faces in forming a government following last Tuesday’s national elections.

As one reads her complete commentary, or the excerpted commentary here, it becomes obvious that Glick is, as Bibi is, totally preoccupied and fixated on what the U.S. government thinks, what the EU thinks, what the UN thinks — at Israel’s dire security, sovereign and spiritual peril. As Olmert has, and Sharon before him and as every previous Israeli government has since the State’s modern-day inception, Bibi quakes in his shoes, his knees knock and sweat beads form above his upper lip over what America, the EU or the UN thinks. Glick, as his apologist, is for Bibi what Uri Dan was for Sharon while posturing as if she were the 2nd coming of Adir Zik, z”l. Bibi and Glick are on the page here, just as they were when Bibi made his colossal blunder of dropping Moshe Feiglin from 20th to 36th on the Likud’s election list. MB read more


Shabbos War News: 5 Kassams, Mortars Since Friday, Olmert: No Shalit, No Open Crossings, IAF Retaliates Hitting Munitions-Makers and Tunnels; Cyprus Unloads Suspected Weapons Ship, Pipe Bomb Thrown at IDF, 15 Terrorists Escape PA Prison

Hamas Ups the Stakes, Attacks Near Kibbutz Yavneh [Friday Rocket Attack Northeast of Ashkelon and Ashdod], by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (Israel National News)


“Terrorists also fired two Kassam rockets and a mortar shell on Gaza belt communities during the Sabbath.”

Olmert: No Shalit, No Open Crossings, by Ronnie Sofer

Erekat: Demand for Shalit is Blackmail


Senior Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat accusing outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of “blackmail” on Saturday. Olmert had stated that Israel would not agree to a temporary truce with Hamas prior to the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. read more


Parsha Mishpatim 5769 — Setting Jewish Standards of Honesty, Principle and Unity


by, Moshe Burt

Parsha Yithro concludes with the high moment to date in world history; The Asseret HaDibrot (The 10 Statements) on the 6th day of the month of Sivan.

How does it transpire that Yithro, Moshe Rabbeinu’s Father-in-Law, a former member of Pharaoh’s ruling circle, one who had tried every avodah zora before finding Hashem; merit that the format for law enforcement and justice in the B’nai Yisrael would flow from him?

In questioning that very point, there are numerous pertinent citings regarding Yithro in Yishai Chasidah’s Encyclopedia of Biblical Jewish Personalities (pages 306-309). read more


Friday War News: Gaza Rocket Attacks Continue, Stolen Israeli Aid — Empty Medicine Bottles Made Explosives, Thrown at IDF, Olmert Spokeman: Schalit or No Gaza Crossings; Stonings Near Jenin, Explosive Seized Near Bethlehem, 2 Terrorists Nabbed near Shechem


Will Olmert and Livni get away with imposing a “deal” on the new Israeli government including release of 1,000 terrorists, to return to kill and maim more Jews, in exchange for Gilad Schalit? Meanwhile, “Dumb and Dumber” keep talking appeasement of terror as the violations mount to the current “ceasefire.” MB

Two Kassams Launched at Sderot

Kassam Lands in Eshkol Region; No Casualties or Damage

Israel: Gaza Crossings Will Wait for Gilad Shalit’s Return [Olmert’s Spokesman Mark Regev: No Deal Has Been Finalized], by Hana Levi Julian (Israel National News) read more


Official Vote Result, or “The Right-Wing Won but Likud Lost”


The soldiers, diplomatic corp., etc. votes, counted last on Thursday and previously thought to alter the Knesset seat distribution, was added to the to the other 99% of the vote and turned out to be inconsequential to the outcome.

The quote above, included in the headline; “The Right-Wing won but Likud lost” is a parody from Moshe Feiglin on one of THE all-time classic post-election epitaphs which was uttered by Shimon Peres in explaining how Binyamin Netanyahu squeeked past him in the 1996 elections: read more


Thursday War News: Another Gaza Mortar Violates Ceasefire; Firebomb, Rocks Pelt Jews in Yesha, 20 Terrorists Nabbed


Election Results UPDATE: Kadima Clings to 1 Seat Lead; Do IDF Votes Hold Victory Margin?


With over 99% of the vote counted on Wednesday, Kadima still clings to a slender 1 Knesset seat lead over the Likud as the real results seem to closely relate to the exit poll data .

The nearly completed actual results showed that the Arab parties gained 1 seat to total 11 while the Left dropped 16 seats vs their position in the current Knesset while the Right picked up 19 seats and the Religious parties dropped by 4 seats vs the current Knesset. Israel National News reports that the soldiers vote could affect which party garners the most Knesset seats: read more


Exit Polls: Kadima Holds Slim Lead, Likud Closing-In on Real Count


Israel’s polls closed at 10:00 PM and the major Israeli media exit polls [here, here and here] and initial election returns showed Tzipi Livni and Kadima with a slim 2 Knesset seat lead over the Likud and its party leader Binyamin Netanyahu.

These exit polls indicate that Kadima won 28-30 Knesset seats while the Likud garnered 27-28 Knesset seats. Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party won 14-15 seats while Ehud Barak and the Labor party showed 13 seats on all of the exit polls. Shas finished fifth winning between 9-10 seats. read more
