Watch for Olmert to Break All of the Flowery Words and Promises Made in the Knesset Speech …

Fatah: Hamas Ready to Accept Deal on Ceasefire, Release of Shalit


Senior Fatah sources in Gaza said on Saturday that Hamas is ready to accept a deal that involves freeing abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, a joint cease-fire and an end to IDF actions in the Gaza Strip.

What is not clear is whether Khaled Meshal, the Hamas leader in Damascus, will sanction the Egyptian-brokered deal.

The initiative, proposed by Egypt and discussed by Palestinian leaders in Gaza in the last few days, consists of freeing Gilad Shalit, a joint cease-fire and the cessation of the IDF’s assassinations in the Gaza Strip and freeing Palestinian prisoners later on. read more

Terror Attacks and Today’s “Broad and Unyielding” Responses
