Devarim — Everyman His Own Leader in Bringing Learning, Kiddush Hashem to Reality…

Devarim — Everyman His Own Leader in Bringing Learning, Kiddush Hashem to Reality

By Moshe Burt

A few years ago, Rav Aba Wagensberg spoke out in a shiur that Sefer Devarim represents Moshe Rabbeinu’s Mussar to B’nai Yisrael as the time of his death drew near.

He explained that near the end of Sefer BaMidbar, we began to see indications, via the story of Zelafchad’s daughters, Reuven and Gad’s desire to settle east of the Jordan, etc., that the B’nai Yisrael finally desired to accept Moshe Rabbeinu’s teachings and his Mussar which was meant to bring about the perfection of the Jewish people in emulation of the ways of Hashem as they were about to enter Eretz Yisrael. read more

Shas: Political Machinations With Jerusalem at Stake …

Shas to Support Gov’t in No-Confidence Motion on J’lem Gay Pride Parade


The ultra-Orthodox Shas party will support the government on Monday in a no-confidence motion on the gay pride parade scheduled to be held in Jerusalem in early August.

The motion was submitted by ultra-Orthodox party United Torah Judaism.

In return for its support Shas required that the government call on Jerusalem mayor Uri Lupolianski to act for the cancellation of the parade.


Yet Again, Shas Shows that it’s for the Money First, Even at Cost of J’lem, Kedusha … MB read more

Parsha Balak: The Ba’al Peor and It’s Parallel in Modern B’nai Yisrael …

Parsha Balak: The Ba’al Peor and It’s Parallel in Modern B’nai Yisrael

By Moshe Burt

Shem Mishmuel brings a Rashi which discusses the unusual loshen — regalim (the word usually used to denote festivals) used in our Parsha Balak where Hashem brings the donkey to speak to Bila’am expressing; “What have I done to you, that you hit me these three times.” [1]

Shem Mishmuel brings Rashi quoting Chazal which notes: “These three times — it was a hint that he wanted to uproot the Jewish nation, who celebrate three pilgrim festivals each year.” [2] read more

Sharon to Divide Jerusalem?

PM Denies Report He Would Compromise on J’lem


Prime Minister Ariel Sharon published a special statement Tuesday night in which he totally dissociated himself from quotes in Newsweek attributed to his pollster, Kalman Gayer, in which Gayer claimed the prime minister was ready for territorial concessions.

“‘The remarks attributed to Kalman Gayer are in total contradiction to my positions and opinions,’ Sharon’s statement read. ‘If, indeed, these remarks were made, they were made strictly on Mr. Gayer’s initiative, and they are senseless and absurd.'” read more
