Bibi: “No [More] Unilateral Expulsions”, But Pro-Expulsion Judge Up for High Court?


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu recently promised not to repeat the “mistake” of 2005’s expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron Towns. Israel National News reports:

Promising not to surrender communities in Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Authority, the Prime Minister said there will be no unilateral expulsions.

But one must wonder, for a change, whether Netanyahu speaketh with forked tongue. For Israel National News also reports that his own Justice Minister Yaakov Ne’eman, head of the committee which selects Judges for the High Court, appears to be party to a “deal” to facilitate appointment of a leftist, pro-Expulsion judge to Israel’s Supreme Court: read more


Monday, Tuesday War News: Gaza Mortars Fall as Terrorists Fire on IDF Near Karni, IAF Hits Smuggling Tunnel; Arab Nabbed for Assault on Jewish Woman, 14 Terrorists Nabbed, IDF Seizes Bomb From Arab Teen


Thursday Thru Sunday War News: Kassam From Gaza Hits West Negev, Arab Arson in Galilee?, 7 Terrorists Nabbed, Arabs Stone Jews Near Shechem, Kalkilya, Jews Attacked at Tomb of Shimon HaTzaddik, Regime Removes Jews From Destroyed Town of Homesh


Parsha R’ei 5769 — The Kindness of Chessed Toward One’s Fellow Jew

By, Moshe Burt

According to Rashi, Moshe Rabbeinu begins our Parsha R’ei by informing the B’nei Yisrael about the blessing and the curse to be pronounced to them upon their entry to Eretz Yisrael from Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval.

Moshe Rabbeinu continues his mussar saying:

“Behold, I set before you … a blessing and a curse; the blessing if you heed the commandments of Hashem, and the curse, if you will not observe his commandments.(Sefer Devarim, Perek 11, posukim 26-27)

Toward the end of the parsha, we are informed: read more


Monday Through Wednesday War News: Northern Border a Powderkeg, Could Explode; IDF Nabs 28 Terrorists and 2 Arabs With Knives, Arabs Stone Jewish Auto Near Kalkilya, Hebron’s Zion Route Reopened to Arab Traffic, Arabs Attack Jew in Old City – Elude Capture Via Mosques on Har HaBayit


Ehud Barak Planning Imminent Demolition of Gush Etzion Home of IDF Commando??

Received this email from Mattot Arim today and am urging everyone reading this to contact Shas Minister Eli Yishai and Shas Chavrei Knesset to nix Ehud Barak’s apparent attempt in the coming days to demolish this home in Gush Etzion:

From: :

URGENT: The home of a reserve commando officer who has risked his life for all of us many times, his pregnant wife and their baby daughter Shaked may be destroyed tomorrow, the next day or Wednesday –in Gush Etzion — because the Labor Party Convention is convening Wednesday. It is customary for the head of the party (currently Ehud Barak) to decimate an outpost a day or two before this periodic political event, because some of the Labor Party’s functionaries are radical leftwingers who truly delight in settler-bashing. read more


Western Wall Prayers — Reaching Up to Shemayim!

Are you seeking a shidduch, praying for a loved one’s recovery from illness, davening for parnossa and job security or for deeper understanding of the depth of Torah and more? Now, whether you are in Israel and can travel to the Kotel daily yourself, or are in Israel but a distance from the Kotel, or live in the Diaspora and need someone to go and say Tefillos on your behalf, you can have Rabbanim and/or Talmudei Chachamim praying simultaneously at the Kotel with you as you pray for whatever it is you seek. read more


Friday Thru Sunday War News: Arabs Shoot at Chayalim From Gaza; 10 Arab Terrorists Nabbed, 154 Illegal Arabs Nabbed, Soldier Wounded in Stoning Attack, Arab Gunmen Fire in IDF Troops, Policeman Attacked by Arabs During Attempted Car Theft at Jerusalem’s Bikur Holim Hospital


Parsha Eikev 5769: Self-Enrichment at My Brother’s Expense?

by Moshe Burt

Parsha Eikev is equated in terms of one’s being attentive to the little Mitzvot; the details, the Mitzvot that one tends to overlook, to ignore, to tread one’s heels on in the mad dash, but without which the Jewish people would lack the merit which sets us apart from common man. The little mitzvot, the small details are the ones epitomized by V’Ahavtah L’re’echa Komocha — caring for your fellow Jew as for yourself.

And so, we find Parsha Eikev placed on the heels of the end of Parsha Vaetchanan’s teachings regarding tefillin and mezuzah. read more


Tisha B’av Message From Rabbi Shalom Gold Days Before Gush Katif Expulsion

And four years later, we live with the pain of the Korban done by Jew against Jew. Rabbi Gold’s words are poignant. (For those who cannot view the video from this blog, click here. ) Also poignant are the photos and words on the Jew against Jew Expulsion from Gush Katif written by David Morris on his Tzedek, Tzedek blog. MB

To view additional videos related to the Expulsion of our Jewish brthren from Gush Katif, click here

Hat tip to Israel National News.
