Friday Thru Sunday War News: Kassams Fired From Gaza, Attack Foiled at Gaza Border, Israel Retaliates; Firebombings, Rock Attacks in Yesha, Terrorist Attacks Foiled, Arabs Torch 2 Buildings at Havat Gilad, 7 Terrorists Nabbed


How Do Arab Illegals Infiltrate With Jewish Religious Garb?


This author sent the following message on Twitter relating to this story; Police Pull Over 5 Palestinians With Jewish Religious Items on Highway 1 [Near Beit Shemesh, Latrun] two days ago:

Can some1 tell me how illegal Palestinians infiltrate with Jewish religious items, w/o work permits?

Today, a RT (Re-Tweet) was sent:

RTCan some1 tell me how illegal Pals infiltrate with Jewish religious items, w/o work permits? See Y:

Basically, this query relates to so-called “goodwill gestures” noted in The Jerusalem Post piece below which put Jewish lives at increasing risk via Arab terror attacks [MB}: read more


Prayers and Learning L’Zechut Jonathan Pollard During the Ten Days

This blog first announces that, whereas, a local Beit Knesset in Ramat Beit Shemesh Alef , in Israel, — Kehilla Beit Tefillah – Yona Avraham, has dedicated one Thursday night Mishmar Learning Seder L’Zechut Jonathan Pollard (Yehonoson ben Malkah) each month since January, 2009, this month’s dedicated learning will take place on Thursday night, 24 September, 2009 during the “10 Days” (Asseret Y’mei Teshuva) and ALL Jews are urged to join in, via prayer (tefillot), learning and chessed (kind deeds for one’s fellow Jews). read more


Expulsion of Another 100-Plus Jews Planned

It is reported that the government must present a time-table to the Supreme Count by November concerning plans for “the razing of no fewer than 18 permanent homes…. located in two Jewish towns that are part of the settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria: Haresha, and Eli’s HaYovel neighborhood, near Shilo.” Israel National News reports on the planned expulsion of another 100-plus Jews:

The news was greeted with outrage at the time, but it was focused on the fact that one of the homes in HaYovel belongs to the family of Ro’i Klein, who was killed during the Second Lebanon War in 2006 when he jumped on a grenade thrown at a group of soldiers, thus saving their lives. His widow Sarah is raising her two small children in the marked house, alone. read more


Bibi Trying to Cancel Likud 16 Month Vote Waiting Period

Israel National News cites a Maariv report which states that prime minister Netanyahu “plans to cancel the clause requiring [Likud] membership of over 16 months in order to have the right to vote in internal party elections”:

Likud leader and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fears the growing power of Moshe Feiglin’s Jewish leadership faction within the Likud; especially because he wants to pass controversial resolutions supporting a Jewish building freeze in Judea and Samaria. It says Netanyahu therefore plans to hold a lightening membership drive prior to the upcoming Likud Central Committee elections in order to offset the Feiglin support. According to the paper, Netanyahu also plans to cancel the clause requiring membership of over 16 months in order to have the right to vote in internal party elections. read more


Friday Thru Tuesday War News: 2 Katyushas Hit Near Nahariya, 5 Terrorists Nabbed With Jewish Religious Items, 24 Terrorists Nabbed — Including 5 Tanzim and Hamas Head in Tulkarm, 60 Illegals Nabbed, Terror Rock Attack at Ir David


Rosh Hashana 5770: Halacha, Teshuva and Communal “Norms”

by Moshe Burt

There seems to be a mistaken perception that an action or derech commonly done and accepted in society therefore is proper. The fact that actions or derech commonly accepted in society don’t necessarily make them automatically permitted by Halacha.

Toward the end of Parsha Nitzavim, Moshe Rabbeinu informs the B’nai Yisrael about Teshuva:

For this commandment that I command you today — it is not hidden from you and it is not distant. It is not in heaven, [for you] to say, “Who can ascend to the heaven for us and take it for us, so that we can listen to it and perform it?” Nor is it across the sea, [for you] to say, “Who can cross to the other side of the sea for us and take it for us, so that we can listen to it and perform it?” Rather, the matter is very near to you — in your mouth nad in your heart — to perform it. (Parsha Nitzavim, Sefer Devarim, Perek 30, posukim 11-14) read more


Rosh Hashana 5770: Unesaneh Tokef: Al Kiddush Shaim Shemayim vs Mental Coercion by Israeli Governance

by Moshe Burt

Each Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we daven the Unesaneh Tokef as part of the Mussaf tefillah.

The story behind the Unesaneh Tokef tefillah (expressing the seriousness of the day): relates the Gezeira Rah (evil decree) faced by R’ Amnon of Mainz and his Kehilla of forced conversion to Christianity dating back about 1,000 years.

R’ Amnon who, with his Kehilla, faced dread coercion as well as mortal, imminent threat of death, gave the perception of consideration of possible compliance with the demand to convert to Christianity and, as a result, became distraught at even having given the impression that he could betray Hashem. read more


Wednesday, Thursday War News: Gaza Simmering to a Boil — Infiltrations, Drug Smuggling, Explosive Devices, IDF Under Fire; IDF Nabs 18 Terrorists — Some With Knives, Guns, Other Weaponry, Police Foil PA Events in Jerusalem


Shabbos Thru Tuesday War News: More Mortars From Gaza Fall in Eshkol Region, 5 Gaza Palestinians Nabbed for Planting Bombs, Hamas Commander Threatens Schalit; 4 Terrorists Nabbed; 4 Stoning Attacks, 1 Molotov Attack
