Parsha Breish’t 5770: New Beginnings; The Never-Ending Torah

by, Moshe Burt

Somehow, not being rabbinic or a Talmud Chacham, it has always seemed difficult to put a true and deep meaning of Hashem’s creation to words and so a similar theme is struck with the end and the beginning of Torah.

In Hashem’s expression of creation; “Breish’t, Bora, Kelokim.” (“In the beginning, Hashem created the heavens and the earth”, (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 1, posuk 1) Torah surely wasn’t referring to that parody of Major League Baseball; you know the one, ‘In the big inning.’ read more


A Prayer on Hoshana Rabbah for Jonathan Pollard

We learn that on Hoshana Rabbah, Hashem’s decrees upon all individuals, upon the Jewish people, and indeed on everyone in the entire world are finalized, as Rabbi Artscroll puts it, ‘delivered’ (Succot Machzor, page 645). Many Kehillot stay up all of Hoshana Rabbah night praying, saying Tehillim, learning in hopes that the finalized, ‘delivered’ decree upon us individually and upon Am Yehudi collectively, be for Tov in all things in the coming year.

At such an auspicious time, may all of us have our brother Jonathan Pollard — Yehonatan Ben Malka prominently in our hearts, thoughts, prayers and in mind in our actions — that Hashem see to his release and return to his brethren in this year — soon than later. read more


The Little Booth Which Survives Tyrants of Every Generation

This Jerusalem Post feature piece by Yehuda Avner is outstanding in that it makes a statement reaching far beyond the story’s placement in 1936, reaching today and today’s issues, tyrants and blood libels — both internally as well as externally amongst our enemies, in essence, The Little Booth, the Jewish people which cleaves to Hashem and survives the tyrants of every generation:

Succot, 1936. The newly appointed German consul-general to Jerusalem, Herr Walter Doehl, stood at his office window hung with an extravagantly tasseled swastika banner, and gazed with curiosity at the sight of clusters of bearded Jews, all draped in prayer shawls and resplendent in the styles and furs of late-medieval Poland, entering and exiting a ramshackle foliage-thatched booth on the other side of the Street of the Prophets where his legation was situated, each clutching what seemed to him to be a lemon and a palm frond. read more


Sunday Thru Tuesday War News: Gaza Arab Terrorists Fire At Israelis Near Border, IDF Responds, Gaza Arab Nabbed Attempting Infiltration; Arabs Riot, Stab, Throw Rocks in Jerusalem as Cache of Rocks Found, Arabs Stone Vehicles Near Kalkilya, IDF Nabs 4 Arab Terrorists


Thursday Thru Shabbos Succot War News: Kassam Attacks, Continued Kidnap Incitement, IAF Hits Weapons Storage Building, Smuggling Tunnels; Arabs Riot After Temple Mount Closed, IDF Nabs 18 Islamic Terrorists


Yom Kippur Thru Wednesday War News: Gaza Arab Rocket, Mortar Attacks Become Regular — Again, IAF Retaliates; 14 Terrorists Nabbed, Border Police and “Israeli Arabs” Nabbed Smuggling Illegals, Riots, Rock and Molotov Attacks on Jews in Yesha, Jerusalem


Succot 5770: Moshiach, Redemption — Are We Programmed for Success or Failure?

by Moshe Burt

Having emerged from Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and, hopefully we have all been inscribed and sealed for a happy, healthy, successful and meaningful year and years ahead, we find ourselves in the midst of Succot.

During Succot, the B’nai Yisrael, as an Am Segula (a nation apart and unique from the other nations), as Hashem’s special, chosen people, visit, bond, and celebrate our special and unique relationship with HaKodosh Borchu.

Prominent in our thoughts during Succot are the Haftorahs which the prophecy of the War of Gog and Magog, Moshiach, the Ge’ula Shlaima (the Redemption) and the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash are pronounced. Or, as the expression goes among baseball fans each springtime — right down to the fans of the most hapless MLB team; “Hope springs eternal.” read more


Thursday, Friday War News: Kassam Fired From Gaza, Infiltrators From Gaza Nabbed, Gaza “Pals(sic)” Fire on IDF; Faulty Bomb Foils Arab Sinai Terror Attack, Rocks and Firebombs Thrown at IDF, Civilians Near Hevron, Bethelehem, Kalkilya, Gush Etzion, Beitar, IDF Nabs 9 Terrorists, 2 Arab Youths Nabbed for Terror Attacks


Monday Through Wednesday War News: Gaza Arab Terrorists Attacks on IDF, Israeli Arab Killed Attempting Run-Over of Chayal at Checkpoint, Arabs Attack JNF Workers in Negev, Arabs Attack Police Station, Arab Car Jacker Nabbed, 5 Terrorists Nabbed, Molotov and Rock Attacks


Yom Kippur 5770: Kohanim to the Jews; Paradigm for the Jews to Mankind

by Moshe Burt

The Mussaf portion of any prayers; Yom Tov, Rosh Chodesh, Shabbos represent the essence, the main point of that day.

On Yom Kippur, the essence of the service, the ikar is the avodah of the Kohen Godol. So much so is this the case that the Mussaf service centers around the order of the Kohen Godol’s service in the Kodosh Kodoshim (the Holy of Holies in the Beit HaMikdash). The service includes all of the preparations which the Kohen Godol makes prior to the service, the clothing he must wear at each step of the avodah, the number of times that the Kohen must bathe himself prior to each change of clothing and before each step of his service, the drawing of lots determining which goat is for Hashem and which for The Mountain of Azazel (the goat designated by lot to bear the burden of death to rectify B’nai Yisrael’s sins) and more. And by virtue of our being Hashem’s “most favored nation”, The Kohen Godol is to the Jews a paradigm of Hashem’s blueprint of what the Jews are to represent to the other nations of Mankind. read more
