Authoritative Report on Civil Rights Violations During Evictions, Court Tries Ettie Medad Before Trial Date

The Merkaz Medini together with Honenu have created a very serious document explaining the extent and degree of the gross violations of civil rights during the Hitnatkut (Disengagement). MB

Court Tries Ettie Medad a Day Before Trial Date

She is the wife of the lawyer who heads Honenu, which assists arrested anti-expulsion activists, and was arrested earlier this year for “not caring for her child properly after demonstrating with her baby against the destruction of a house.” She was found innocent but state prosecutors appealed the verdict. MB read more


4th Anniversary of Arab Terror Assassination of Rechavim Ze’evi, z’l

Knesset Commemorates Fourth Anniversary of Ze’evi Murder

PM Sharon: “If Gandhi were alive today, he would certainly have been at the head of my detractors …”

“Gandhi was murdered only a few hours before his resignation from the Cabinet was to go into effect. Together with then-Minister Avigdor Lieberman, he handed in his resignation in protest of the Sharon government’s withdrawal from most of the city of Hevron.”

I remember the days leading up to the Ghandi Assassination well. Within days before the assassination, Susie Dym (Matot Arim — Cities of Israel) and I stood vigil at the entrance of the National Union Offices lobbying for Ghandi and Leibeman to take the National Union out of the governing coalition due to Sharon’s actions in Chevron. read more


Further New Developments re: Katzav’s [Possible] Mt. Zion Sign-Over to Vatican

Further Developments in this Evolving Story Surrounding President Katzav’s [Possible] Mt. Zion Sign-Over to the Vatican

Development #1; Still No Denials from either President Katzav’s Office or from Pave the Way Foundation

Development #2; Newly Revealed Documents;

Draft of the Proposed Deal Between President Katsav of Israel and the Vatican.

“Forceful” letter written to Rabbi Goldstein, Rosh HaYeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva on Mt. Zion from David Bartheldy in Haifa, urging the Rabbi to accept his terms and offer. read more