UnComfortable Questions from Yamin Israel

Found this email on my log Motzei Shabbos. MB

Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 18:33:48 -0500
From: eidelberg@foundation1.org

Questions from Yamin Israel

“In addition to helping the thousands of Jewish refugees from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria, we have to ask some vital questions.

In view of the deplorable condition of these refuges the one hand, and Prime Minister Sharon’s responsibility for this inhuman state of affairs on the other, Yamin Israel asks:

Why no Knesset votes of no-confidence? Why no Knesset resolution calling for a National Commission of Inquiry?

Not that such efforts would be effective. But at least they would register moral disapproval if not outrage, and thus inform many citizens of the monstrous injustice perpetrated by Sharon and his underlings.

But why no serious efforts to topple Sharon’s criminal government? This can be accomplished by the resignation of the 13 so-called Likud rebels? They cannot be replaced by Shinui’s 15 members because the latter and Labor would engage in an impossible conflict over ministerial posts; and of course United Torah Judaism could not remain in a cabinet with Shinui.

Even UTJ (with five seats) could topple this government. For if Sharon tried to bring in Shinui, again the conflict with Labor for ministerial seats would paralyze the government.

Another question: Why haven’t the rabbis of Israel gathered at the Knesset to denounce Sharon as well as his accomplice in crime Judge Aharon Barak? (Regarding Barak’s complicity, see the report issued by the Israel Center and Honenu Legal Defense Association entitled “Israeli Government Violations of Disengagement Opponents’ Civil Rights” (cited in The Jerusalem Post (November 1, 2005.)

And what about rabbis in the USA? Are they ignorant of the plight of thousands of homeless Jews? Why don’t they send a delegation to Israel, hold a press conference-anything to expose Sharon for his monstrous Expulsion Plan? And if accused of interfering in Israel’s domestic affairs, Yamin Israel can provide a dozen solid reasons to justify their interference.

But why haven’t Israel’s political scientists protested? Don’t they see the significance of what is happening? Don’t they see that Israel is actually losing the war against the Arab terrorists? This is the meaning and consequence of Sharon’s adoption of the Left’s disengagement/expulsion policy. Sharon has not only despoiled thousands of Jews. He has made Gaza the world’s largest base of terrorism, which is expanding into Judea and Samaria. He has brought al-Qaeda into the Sinai as well as Egyptian forces to Israel’s southern border.

Sharon is an unmitigated disaster. That he still retains significant public support in Israel cannot be attributed solely to the leftwing media, which cover up his colossal failures. Although 64% of the public, in one poll, deems him “corrupt,” 80% regards him as a “strong leader.” This is symptomatic of a servile as well as cynical mentality. Unless the Sharon government is toppled and replaced by one with courage enough to stop the retreat and orders the IDF to utterly destroy the enemy, Israel is doomed.”
