The Latest on Mt. Zion, President Katsav and the Vatican …

Have the President’s Office Spokespeople mislead us with their denials?? Have we been Stonewalled?

Here’s the latest in a series of blog postings regarding Mt. Zion, President Katsav and the Vatican

Vatican Offers Swap Deal to Regain Site of Last Supper, dated 13 November, 2005


“The proposals, contained in a draft agreement between the Israeli Government and the Vatican, come on the eve of a state visit to the Vatican next month by President Katzav. Final details on a long-delayed accord on the status of Roman Catholic properties in the Holy Land are expected to be agreed during the visit …” read more


Election Run-up Politics …

Bill to Stop ‘Surplus Vote’ Swapping Passes First Knesset Reading

March Election Almost a Certainty

Knesset Opposition Aims for Early Elections to be held in March

Baruch Marzel Announces He’ll Run as Head of a New Party

Shas Not Worried About Losing Votes Due to ‘Peretz factor’

Sharon Continues Gaining on Opponent Netanyahu

FM: Sharon Ready to Agree to March Elections


“Haaretz poll shows PM widening lead in Likud”
A Haaretz-Dialog poll conducted on Tuesday night under the supervision of Professor Camil Fuchs found that if the Likud primaries were held today, and the candidates were Sharon, Netanyahu, Uzi Landau (who led the anti-disengagement Likud “rebels”) and Moshe Feiglin (leader of the right-wing Jewish Leadership faction of the Likud party), Sharon would get 47 percent of the votes, Netanyahu would get 23 percent, Landau would get 9 percent and Feiglin would get 6 percent. The poll had 614 respondents and a 4.3 percent margin of error.” read more


The Gush Katif Refugee Families …

Nitzana: Suspected Infiltration Causes Alert

Living on a Prayer: Three Months After Evacuation


On Yom Kippur eve, Kirshenzaft received a call from a soldier who had evacuated them from their home asking for forgiveness. According to Kirshenzaft, the soldier wept on the phone that he regretted his actions and couldn’t sleep at night.”

“Recalls Kirshenzaft, ‘I told him that according to Maimonides, it is not enough to regret actions…one must commit never to do that same action again. I asked if he would follow such orders again and he swore he would not. So I forgave him. But other security officers involved in the expulsion, including one whom I have been friendly with for 25 years, called to ask if we were still friends …they are full of excuses …the brainwashing that it is good for democracy, for the State of Israel. Them I cannot forgive because they have not repented, but I feel sorry for them …they are more unfortunate than us. Despite what the higher-ups say, the soldiers have been traumatized for life. I heard that one kippa-wearing soldier who accompanied our family on the bus was admitted to a psychiatric hospital soon afterwards.'” read more


Officer Accorded Full Acquittal in Military Trial ..

‘Confirmed Kill’ Case: Full Acquittal


“The captain maintained his innocence, charging that he never performed a ‘confirmed kill’ and accused his soldiers of deliberately wanting to hurt him for his stubborn attitude on duty.”

“In February 2005, a main witness decided to withdraw his initial testimony against the suspect, accusing soldiers in the base of providing false testimonies to harm the captain, whose strictness they disliked.”
