Sunday Night, Monday War News: At Least 10 Rockets Hit Since Sunday Afternoon, Including 5 at Sdot Negev region; 9 Terrorists, 53 Illegal Arabs Nabbed

2 Kassams Hit Sdot Negev in Latest Barrage; No Casualties or Damage

Rocket Falls Short in Gaza

Rocket Hits Outside Sderot Home as 6 Rockets Fired from Gaza, by Yaakov Lappin (Jerusalem Post)


Gaza terrorists continued their attacks on Israeli civilian areas on Sunday evening, firing six rockets at the western Negev. One of the Kassams hit in the yard of a Sderot home, causing slight damage to the house.

The other five rockets hit open areas in the Sdot Negev region. There were no casualties in the attacks. read more


Sunday War News: Kassams Hit South Satuday Night, Sunday AM, Olmert Vows “Total Quiet” in South; Israeli Car Stoned Near Ramallah, 2 Terrorists Nabbed

Kassam Hits Open Area in Western Negev [12:10 AM Sunday Morning]; No Casualties Reported

PM Vows to Bring ‘Total’ Quiet to South


Olmert’s comments; …We will respond in a serious, painful, strong and uncompromising way…. Israel has a wide range of options which can be used and these options will be utilized until total quiet is brought to the South” are laughable and more Olmert boast of which he is noted. What “painful, strong and uncompromising way?” What “wide range of options?” Air Force bombing of empty fields or smuggling tunnels dug so deeply below ground level as to be impervious to bombing?? read more


Parsha Tetzaveh 5769 — The Urim U’Tumim, Divine Inspiration and Plain Common Sense


by Moshe Burt

In our Parsha Tetzaveh, the laws regarding the annointment, the vestments and the Avodah (service) of the Kohanim are enunciated for the Jewish people.

While preparing this Parsha HaShavua, this author came across a puzzling quote in Torah Gems by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg on our Parsha.

The quote, which is cited (pg 192) relates to perek 28, parsha 15; “And you will make the breastplate of judgement with the work of an artisan…” and is attributable to someone called “Akeidah”, reads; read more


Friday, Shabbos War News: At Least 9 Unanswered Gaza Terror Rockets Hit South Israel, Arabs Stone Israeli Bus Near Hebron


40 Days until Pesach is a long time in terms of the ability of the Olmert-Livni-Barak troika to further damage Israel either by their actions visa vi Mahmud Abbas or by their inactions such as, leaving at least 9 terror rockets over Friday and Shabbos unanswered and going silent as Gaza terror rockets continue to bombard southern Israel rather than finishing the job of Operation Cast Lead. How long will Bibi dawdle in forming a new government and will he place people with clean hands and hearts in charge of the Defense and Foreign ministries rather than the likes of Avigdor Lieberman — the land swapper read more


Wednesday War News: 2 Rockets After No Rocket Reports Tuesday, IAF Hits Philadelphi Tunnels, Hamas Continues Arms Smuggling; 4 Rockets Found in South Lebanon; Iran Tests Nuke Plant; 27 Terrorists Nabbed Including with Bomb, Knives, Attempted Kidnapping Foiled, Israelis Hit With Rocks, Molotov in Yesha


Tuesday War News: Syria Builds Missile Launch Facility Over Bombed Nuke Plant; Abbas Releases 42 Hamas, PA = Hamas, 8 Terrorists Nabbed, Rock Attacks in Yesha


Monday War News: Kassam Hits Sderot, IAF Responds to Mortars, Attempted Bomb Placement Near Kissufim Killing Bombers; 2 Terrorists Stage Phony “Accident”, Attempt to Stab Israeli, Steal Car


Shabbos, Sunday War News: Rocket, Mortars Bombard South Israel Under Bogus “Ceasefire”; Katyusha Hits Galilee, Injuries; Stoning Attacks in Hevron, Near Kedumim; U.S. Frees, Deports Terrorist Who Tried to Kill Golda


Bibi’s Primary Blunders, Election Lessons



This Jerusalem Post Evelyn Gordon commentary on Israel’s February national election and its lessons was too good to pass up.

While not mentioning Moshe Feiglin, Ratzon, etc. by name, Gordon deals with the post-primary demotions and their impact on the election vote for Likud, and thus the election result. This is important in that it seems to this author that she is the first columnist seen in Israeli MSM to have recognized the impact of the Likud primary result which was not respected, but rather uprooted, and the consequences of that uprooting in the national election result. Other prominent columnists such as Caroline Glick refuse to recognize aand come to grips with the Likud primary demotions and their impact in pre-election polls and election results. read more


Thursday War News: Kassam Rockets, Mortar Hit South — No Front Page Coverage, IAF Responds Hitting Smuggling Tunnels, Terror Bomb Attack Fails Near Kerem Shalom Crossing; Terror Attack Thwarted Near Elon Moreh, Terrorists Throw Molotov Cocktails at Bus, 10 Terrorists Nabbed

IAF Strikes Three Arms Smuggling Tunnels Under Philadelphi Corridor [Response to Rocket Attacks]

Hamas Attacks Eshkol Region with Two Kassam Rockets

Related reports:

Israel Radio Doesn’t Mention that 2 Kassam Rockets Hit Eshkol [Nor Do MSM Front Page URLs], by Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA)

2 Rockets Launched Toward Israel


“Earlier a rocket exploded on the Palestinian side of the security fence, and overnight a mortar shell fired from Gaza landed in the Sdot Negev Regional Council.” read more
