Parshiyot Vayakhel, Pekudei: Leadership, Accountability and Transparency, Paradigm for National Unity


by Moshe Burt

The terms leadership, accountability and transparency have often been bandied about in contemporary Medinat Yisrael where dedication, diligence and overiding concern for the welfare of the Kahal have often been wanting as compared with the influence, enrichment, protexia and political agendization of the few, the priviledged, the elitists.

Our Parsha Vayakhel is dedicated to teaching B’nai Yisrael about Shabbat which has always, until recent times, been the unifying, defining factor of Judaism. It alludes to all else — Yishuv HaAretz, Kiddushin, etc. It symbolizes the Jew’s faith in Hashem. The parsha begins by stating that “Moshe assembled the entire congregation of B’nai Yisrael…” (Perek 35, Posuk 1) However, Torah’s loshen (language) “Adat B’nai Yisrael”, in the context of learning the laws of Shabbos as related to the construction of the Mishkan, seems to indicate a unity, as one, amongst the Assembly of the B’nai Yisrael. read more


Friday War News: At Least 5 Terror Rockets Hit South Israel — No Response, Verbal or Otherwise; IDF Nabs 3 Terrorists, PA Releases 45 Hamas, Shooting, Firebombing and Stoning Attacks


Sunday War News: MI: Iran Can Produce Nuke, 4 Kassams Strike South as Olmert Blasts Barak, IAF Hits Gaza Munitions Factory, Smuggling Tunnels; Stoning Near Jewish Hevron, 4 Terrorists Nabbed


Parsha Ki Tisa 5769 — Torah Principle, Immoral Law and Peer Group Pressure


By Moshe Burt

For many years, since 1991 when Parsha Ki Tisa marked my son Philip’s Bar Mitzvah, I have spoken or written about a posuk in our Parsha which alludes to an event which is recorded in Torah 40 years later, in a subsequent Parsha.

The posuk being referred to (Sh’mos, Perek 30, posuk 30) says that while Moshe Rabbeinu was on Har Sinai being given Torah, Hashem said;

“You shall anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them to minister (to serve) me.”

This seemingly obscure posuk which pops up in a couple of slightly different forms in both Parsha Tetzaveh and in our Parsha raises a challenging question which cuts to the chase of what we continue to face today. The question is; what about that Pinchas Ben Elazar? Why was he not anointed as a Kohen with his brothers? read more


Shabbos War News: Five Gaza Rockets Fired at Israel, IAF Responds Hitting Terrorist Smuggling Tunnel, Terrorist Rocket Launcher; Rock Attacks Near Beersheva, Kalkilya


Arab Tractor Terrorist: An Illegal Who ‘Drove Unhindered to Scene’

‘Terrorist Drove Unhindered to Scene’, by Shelly Paz, Rebecca Anna Stoil (Jerusalem Post)


According to an updated Jerusalem Post report, since the original report came out on this latest tractor terrorist attack; certain other salient facts regarding the tractor terror attack have come to light:

The attacker – later identified as Mar’i al-Rdaidah, 26, from the capital’s northeastern Beit Hanina neighborhood – reached the intersection near Teddy Stadium and managed to push the police patrol car for about 30 meters, police said. He pushed the police vehicle into the bus, but his momentum was apparently stopped by the bus and an electrical post pinned between the police car and the bus.

The bus was full of girls dressed in Purim costumes en route to cheer up patients at Hadassah hospital, according to the Zaka rescue and recovery service.

  • Rdaidah drove the construction vehicle unhindered through the city to the scene of the attack, Channel 2 reported.
  • According to the report, Rdaidah, who lived on the Palestinian side of Beit Hanina and did not have an Israeli ID card, was the owner of the vehicle, unlike in the two previous bulldozer rampages in Jerusalem last year.
  • Police, Magen David Adom and Zaka personnel streamed to the scene within minutes. read more


    Thursday Night, Friday War News: At Least 7 Rockets Hit South, IAF Hits Smuggling Tunnels; 2 Terrorists Nabbed


    Thursday War News: Another Tractor Terrorist; “No Reason Other than… that We Live in Jerusalem” — Mayor Barkat; Four Kassams, Mortars Hit Western Negev, 4 Terrorists Nabbed


    The Jerusalem Post reports a tractor driver was shot while attempting an attack on a police car, a bus and other vehicles:


    A tractor driver was shot after intentionally attacking a police car on Thursday and trying to tip over additional vehicles including a public bus at the Golomb intersection, near Jerusalem’s Malha Mall. Army Radio reported that the tractor driver was critically wounded immediately.

    Two police officers were reportedly lightly injured in the attack, Army Radio said. read more


    Purim 5769: The Meaning of Purim, and the “New Jew”


    By Moshe Burt

    In writing a vort on Purim, this author thinks back to a theme addressed in an earlier Siyum on Mesechta Megillah from a few years ago as well as another recurring theme on this blog.

    The Jew separates and distinguishes himself from the rest of the nations through the Mitzvah of Bris Milah, even though many of our contemporary Jewish brothers would distance themselves from, or stand in denial of their Yiddishkeit. In short, many among our Jewish brethren would deny Hashem’s control of the world and seek to tailor Torah and their Jewishness to fit the ways of the nations rather than accepting Hashem’s reishut (command) over the world. read more


    Wednesday War News: 2 Kassams Hit Negev, IAF Reponds Killing Senior Islamic Jihad Commander; 9 Terrorists Nabbed, Molotov Hurled at Israeli Vehicle
