Tuesday, Wednesday War News: Kassam Strikes Near Ashkelon, IDF Foils Terrorist Attack Near Shechem, Troops Fire on Arab Attacking Them, IDF Nabs Six Terrorists, Armored Pickup Truck Found in Arab Town Near Hevron, Stone-Throwing Near Kalkilya, Police Infiltrate Haifa Malls With Phony “Bombs”

Kassam Rocket Strikes Open Area South of Ashkelon; None Wounded [Tuesday PM]

IDF Soldiers Foil Attack Near… [Shechem]


…Troops arrested three Palestinian near Nablus. The three were in possession of a bomb, weapons and detailed maps of the area.

They were picked up while soldiers were scanning the area in the wake of a Molotov cocktail attack on an Israeli car near Elon Mo’re.

The three admitted that they were planning to carry out an attack against soldiers, the IDF said. read more


Sunday Night and Monday War News: Tel Aviv Policeman Foils Arab Car Theft Attempt, Soldier Assaulted Near Hebrew U., Stonings and Molotov Near Ramallah, Hevron, Tekoa, Arab Terrorist Nabbed Near Ramallah


Sunday and Monday War News: 7 Terrorists Nabbed, Attempted Abduction in Jerusalem Foiled, Israeli Autos Stoned Near Hevron, Updates on Haifa Terror Car Bombing Attempt

Seven Wanted Terrorists Arrested [in Ramallah, in Dahariya, southwest of Hevron and in Jericho]

Two Jerusalem Officials Attacked by 20 Arabs [in Attempted Abduction]

Stones Hurled at Israeli Cars Near Hebron, None Wounded

Updates on Haifa Terror Car Bombing Attempt:

Olmert: Car Bomb Came from Judea and Samaria [What Political Cheshbon is Behind this Claim???

Car Bomb’s License Plate was Fake


“The car bomb was discovered by an alert passerby and disarmed by police. It was considered unusually large and police said it was a “miracle” that it did not go off.” read more


Terror Car Bombing Attempt Fails at Haifa Mall



A massive attempted car bombing attack was averted at Haifa’s Lev Hamifratz mall when one of several explosive devices hidden in a parked auto failed and thanks to an alert mall employee who reported hearing an explosion at about 8:30 p.m. on Saturday night.

Here is a clear case of Hashem’s will to prevent massive loss of Jewish life, although there are those who will attribute the failed event to merely, Derech HaTeva, the mal-function of an explosive device.

The Jerusalem Post reports on the car bombing attempt: read more


Parsha Vayikra 5769: The Motivations Separating True Leaders From Frauds


By Moshe Burt

The first word of our parsha; Vayikra begs discussion of why the small “aleph” in Vayikra, and tells much about Moshe Rabbeinu’s level of principle, integrity and his standard of leadership of B’nei Yisrael.

We are told how Hashem, Kav’yochal, would call gently, affectionately
“Moshe, Moshe” in a voice for Moshe Rabbeinu’s ears only and Moshe would respond “Here I am.” (Rashi on Perek 1, posuk 1 Metsuda Linear Chumash & Rashi with footnotes) read more


Ramon: Terrorist Prisoner Demands = Ultimatum for Israeli Capitulation


Here’s anoutrage which should NOT pass from the Jewish scene unnoticed.

The Daily Alert, prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, posts that according to Minister Haim Ramon; Hamas prisoner demands constitute an ultimatum for Israeli surrender in a translation of a Voice of Israel Radio-Hebrew report:

Israeli Minister Haim Ramon, a member of the Ministerial Committee on Security Prisoners, told Israel Radio Thursday that Hamas did not negotiate over the release of prisoners but rather presented an ultimatum for Israeli capitulation. read more


Senior Security Official Gilad: “Hamas, Hezbollah Can’t be Trusted” — Anything New Under the Sun?



How long will the Jewish people tolerate this vicious cycle of repetition? What is new in Amos Gilad’s comments that we do not already know and which we have not heard adnausium countless times before? Didn’t we know that Hamas can’t be trusted before Operation Cast Lead? Didn’t we know Hezbollah’s shtick before the Lebanon conflict 2 years ago? Yet, rather than displaying her earlier self-reliance such as in the Six-Day War, the Entebbe rescue and the bombing of the Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor site, Israel continues entering into truces and ceasefires with enemies who nullify agreements at their convenience and continues to abrogate her security to third party nations and the UN. What will it take for the Jewish people to demand; with their votes, feet and bodies, a faith-based governance and a return to the self-reliance which comes with doing the right Jewish thing and relying on Hashem, rather than on third party nations, “superpowers” or the UN? MB read more


Monday Night, Tuesday War News: Gaza Rocket Attack on Eshkol Region; Explosion in Herzliya Via Concealed Explosive Device — Terrorists?, Rock and Molotov Attacks in Yesha, 16 Terrorists Nabbed, Police Foil Terror Hit-and-Run


Shabbos, Sunday War News: 5-6 Terror Rockets Launched on South Israel; Regime Admits to UPI — Terrorist Arsenal of 50,000 Rockets and No Defense; Terrorists Nabbed Pistol and Knifes, Arab Thief Killed by Police in Jerusalem



Could there be a connection between Israel’s weak, lame or non-existent responses to continued Gaza rocket fire and the combined arsenal of nearly 50,000 rockets possessed by Hamas and Hezbollah and Israel’s lack of an anti-rocket defense system? Could it be that this immense arsenal is mainly the result of smuggled materials which enter Gaza and southern Lebanon right under the noses of UN and/or Egyptian forces due to Israel’s abrogation of her national sovereignty, her right to win a war and to eradicate terror as well as abrogation of her defense and security to third parties — often hostile nations? Will the US, Canada and seven European states’ agreement, soo lauded by Israel’s government, to coordinate efforts to stop the flow of weapons into Gaza make any difference? read more
