Friday, Shabbos, Sunday War News: IDF Foils Bomb Plot at Gaza Border, Kill Female Terrorist Who Shot at Negev Base; IDF Nabs 5 Terrorists, Arabs Toss Molotov at Jewish Car Near Shechem


The Korban Pesach: Hashem’s Modern-Day Tests of Emunah?


by, Moshe Burt

Rabbi Chaim Zev Malinowitz has repeatedly urged our Kehilla to internalize the Yetziyat Mitzriyim — the B’nai Ysrael’s leaving Mitzriyim, to internalize, to feel, to make part of our very being and our daily lives that “I am a Jew who left Egyptian enslavement.”

In giving much thought to our leaving Mitzriyim, it seems that integral to the Yetziyat Mitzriyim is that the Jews took the Korban Pesach — Egyptian lambs, an Egyptian deity, tied it to the bedpost overnight, slaughtered it, took its blood and applied it to their doorposts and devoured it on the night before they left Mitzriyim. read more


Dayenu 5769: The Korban Pesach; Its Modern-Day Sequels?


by Moshe Burt

This year will mark fourteen years, and my eleventh Pesach in Eretz Yisrael, in which I have emailed, as it has become tradition with me from prior to my Aliyah, the rendition of Dayenu quoted from the book “Dear Brothers.” In each year, Dayenu holds a unique perspective, unlike the perspective of any previous year.

And so, the lessons of Dayenu are vital now, just as they were in the first year that I emailed this vort out or, for that matter, as vital as they were when it was quoted in Segal’s compilation of the book in its copyright year 1988. read more


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Takes Office, Olmert Era Ends



Finally, at long last, we have a Prime Minister. Perhaps, not the one we wanted, but at least not a lame-duck who nearly handed the country over in a “fire sale” and who now returns to private life to face a myriad of charges of political corruption and other misbehaviors.

Will Netanyahu be the same prime minister who gave away 80% of Hevron to murderers, signed Wye and got conned out of coming home with Jonathan Pollard and later voted with and helped facilitate Sharon, Olmert and Livni’s expulsion of Jews from their homes? Will his Prime Ministership be reflective of his demotion of Moshe Feiglin and others from their democratically won primary Knesset list positions, his fawning over Ehud Barak for defense minister and his rejection of Yaakov Katz and the National Union in forming his coalition? Will he finally be able took look a US president square in the eye without sweat-beads forming above his upper lip? In short, will Bibi finally display a firm Jewish backbone? read more


Tuesday PM, Wednesday War News: Bombardment of 4 Kassams Tuesday; IDF Sudan Raid Planned Within 1 Week, Arab Worker Attacks Jewish Employer, IDF Nabs 18 Terrorists, IDF Releases Senior Hamas Member


Monday, Tuesday War News: IDF Offs Gaza Terrorists Planting Bombs; 7 Terrorists, 118 Illegals Nabbed in Operations, Israeli Bus Stoned Near Nazareth Illit, Firebomb Attack Near Ramallah


Parsha Tzav 5769: Jewish Constancy or Complacency?


by Moshe Burt

In our Parsha, Tzav is Moshe’s command from Hashem to Aaron HaKohen and his sons to take up and clothe themselves in their Vestments, their garments of service in the Mishkan, and to begin their daily Avodah (service and offerings in the Mishkan).

For seven days, Moshe taught Aaron HaKohen and his sons the laws of their Avodah in the Mishkan. (You might say that they were given, as they term it in the US, OJT from Shemayim.) On the eighth day, Aaron and his sons began their Avodah. read more


State Comptroller’s “Pollard Probe” Shallow; Claims “No Authority” to Probe




As with the commentary, immediately below this one. which relates to the bogus Regime/SELA libelous media report, so too, in the case of the regime’s latest machinations regarding Jonathan Pollard, as related through its blatantly leftist surrenderist MSM mouthpiece Ha’aretz and another two-bit beat reporter; the old adage kicks in: “tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth.” Then keep on telling it and every telling self-reinforces the bogus “truth (sic)” of the previous tellings. read more


Regime/SELA Authority Libel: “87% of Gaza Evacuees Have Housing Solutions”


On Wednesday, the Regime and its SELA Disengagement Authority was cited by the Jerusalem Post beat reporter Tova Lazaroff as reporting:

Some 87 percent of the Gaza evacuee families have housing solutions and the other 13 percent are in the process of concluding agreements with the Disengagement Authority for their permanent homes, the Authority said on Wednesday.

It made the statement as it released 250 new housing lots in Nitzanim, located between Ashkelon and Ashdod.

However,’s Dror Vanunu, as well as former residents like Anita Tucker or Moshe and Rachel Saperstein would undoubtedly respond: read more


Thursday Night, Friday War News: IDF Fired on at Kissufim, IAF Bombed Sudan Weapons Shipment(s) to Hamas, Egypt Tightens Sudan Border Watch; Rock Attack in 4 Venues, IDFNabs 5 Terrorists, Israeli Arabs Jailed for Terror Plot, Successful Test for Iron Dome
