Appropriate Placement of Responsibility for the War of 7 October — the War of Simchat Torah

Two recent reports hit home concerning the placement of Responsibility for the War of 7 October — the War of Simchat Torah.

Retired Intelligence Colonel: I Lost Faith in the Army, the General Staff Is Revolting<

Retired Military Intelligence Colonel: I Lost Faith in the Army, the General Staff Is Revolting

By David Israel – 27 Iyyar 5784 – June 4, 2024

Regev Criticized Over Pro-Government Statements

Transportation Minister Criticized After Saying the Government Has “Done Amazing Things” in Relation to Its Handling the Situation in the North and the South

Hezki Baruch Jun 5, 2024, 6:52 AM

NO! This war is not primarily Bibi’s or the Coalition’s fault. NO, the Coalition has NOT done “crazy damage!” The Generals of the IDF High Command bear the Primary and Ultimate responsibility for 7 October and for residents of the north and the Gaza border towns being holed up in hotels paid for by the Government. The IDF High Command is Primarily responsible for 7 October. That is where Major Change Must occur — in the IDF High Command. There is a word they use regarding sports teams which I can’t recall just now. But the word relates to a collective mindset, psychology, attitude and applies to a military high command. They either have no concept as to how to win, or their lust for power and the continuance of such power that they would jeopardize Israel’s security in the name of perpetuating their sector’s hold on power at all costs. Gotta wonder why General Winter hit the glass ceiling regarding promotions and was retired.

This author can remember when IDF Commanders knew how to Win. Motta Gur knew how to win, as did Rehavim Ze’evi, as did Dan Shomron — just to name a few. Even Arik Sharon, as a General, knew how to win (Remember the crossing of the Suez Canal and the encirclement of the Egyptian third army near the conclusion of the Yom Kippur War) until politics and political corruption and dirty tricks overtook his mindset leading to his bulldozing of Sinai and the Expulsion of our former Gush Katif brethren in 2005, despite the referendum of Likud party members who voted in the majority against such expulsion.