It is reported that the government must present a time-table to the Supreme Count by November concerning plans for “the razing of no fewer than 18 permanent homes…. located in two Jewish towns that are part of the settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria: Haresha, and Eli’s HaYovel neighborhood, near Shilo.” Israel National News reports on the planned expulsion of another 100-plus Jews:
The news was greeted with outrage at the time, but it was focused on the fact that one of the homes in HaYovel belongs to the family of Ro’i Klein, who was killed during the Second Lebanon War in 2006 when he jumped on a grenade thrown at a group of soldiers, thus saving their lives. His widow Sarah is raising her two small children in the marked house, alone.
However, in addition to the Kleins, 17 other families face the same fate of having their homes destroyed: six in Haresha, near the Talmonim bloc in western Binyamin, and 11 in HaYovel.
… One resident told Israel National News, …. Of Haresha’s eight stone houses, two are “safe” from IDF bulldozers, “because they were occupied before the first court orders were served,” the resident said. “But the other six were just barely finished, and we were not able to move families into them in time. The families all have between four and seven children, so we are talking about some 45 people being thrown out onto the street.”
“An illegal Arab house just below us has also been served demolition orders but the Court had nothing to say about that. They enforce the law very selectively here; the Arab homes are safe…”
“An illegal Arab house just below us has also been served demolition orders, but the Court had nothing to say about that. They enforce the law very selectively here; the Arab homes are safe, while the Jewish ones are to be destroyed…”
“Meanwhile,” he concluded, “I have been living with my family in a caravan, unable to build – because, we are told, it will ‘endanger’ the families living in the houses. We are thus all caught between a rock and a hard place.”
In the HaYovel [Jubilee] neighborhood in Eli, the homes of 12 families are threatened with destruction, while four others, and 20 caravans, are considered safe. “This is not a judicial or legal question,” one resident said, “but is rather totally political. If Defense Minister Ehud Barak would simply sign the legalization papers, we would be legal – but he refuses. We are not on privately-owned land; the land belongs to the State, and there are no legal problems – only political.”
Limor Livnat, a potential Netanyahu rival in the Likud, visited Haresha on Wednesday afternoon. She expressed opposition to the razing of the homes and to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s apparent intent to comply with the American demand to freeze all Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria.
This blog has posted pieces over the past 3 years relating to previous Israeli government-inspired Yassamnik violence against Ro’i Klein z”l and other soldiers, who subsequently lost their lives in the 2006 Lebanon conflict, who lived in Yehuda and Shomron. The Klein family and the others continue to be a risk of another expulsion, this time by a Prime Minister who voted for expulsion of 9,000 plus Jews from Gush Katif and the Shomron, as well as by leftist supreme court edict. MB