
The Jerusalem Post reports a tractor driver was shot while attempting an attack on a police car, a bus and other vehicles:
A tractor driver was shot after intentionally attacking a police car on Thursday and trying to tip over additional vehicles including a public bus at the Golomb intersection, near Jerusalem’s Malha Mall. Army Radio reported that the tractor driver was critically wounded immediately.
Two police officers were reportedly lightly injured in the attack, Army Radio said.
Initially the terrorist was said to have been killed by the shots fired, but later reports said he was still breathing.
A taxi driver who saw the tractor trying to approach the bus opened fire at the tractor driver, and a police officer also fired shots at the tractor driver.
An initial police investigation indicated that the tractor driver reached the intersection near the Teddy Stadium and managed to push a police vehicle for about 30 meters. After that, he tried to push the police vehicle into a bus, but was blocked apparently by an electrical post.
According to ZAKA, the bus was full of girls dressed in Purim costumes en route to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital to cheer up patients in advance of the holiday.
A number of bystanders suffering from shock were treated on the scene by MDA teams.
ZAKA operation commander Haim Weinrot said that “the girls were hysterical. They saw the enormous scoop heading toward them and saw death approaching, but they were saved at the last minute by the post. It is a Purim miracle.”
Within a half-hour after the attack, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barakat was on the scene to personally inspect the situation.
“The attack targeted us for no reason other than the fact that we live in Jerusalem,” said Barkat on the scene. “This was an attack carried out exclusively for the purpose of harming civilians.”
Meanwhile, while the tractor terrorist attempted his attack in Jerusalem, four Kassam rockets and mortar shells struck the western Negev near mid-day and in the afternoon with three of the rockets and mortar shells hitting Sha’ar Hanegev Region.
Rocket Explodes in Sha’ar HaNegev, No Injuries
Four Wanted Terrorists Arrested [Near Ramallah, Undisclosed Location]