
While Bibi is preoccupied, above all else, with dumping Feiglin and other principled Likud Candidates lower and lower on Likud’s list and making his latest absurd revisions, there is a two front war going on — the Arab/Islamic external war to annihilate us, as shown below, and the Bibi, Olmert, Livni, Barak war on Torah and Yiddishkiet. Bibi is showing himself easily as incompetent and unqualified to lead, if not more so, than are the Kadima/Labor troika. MB
2 Mortars Fall in Negev; No Injuries Reported
IDF Arrests 3 Unarmed Palestinians Who Tried to Infiltrate from Gaza Strip
[2] Shechem Terrorists Arrested by IDF
6 Palestinian Teens Arrested for Assaulting Jewish Girl Near Jerusalem [Nevei Samuel]
Arab Found with Tools of Terrorism near Machpelah Cave
Palestinians Throw Stones at Israeli Vehicle Near Hebron; None Hurt