Sunday War News: Arabs Toss Stones, Firebombs and Defile Cave of Patriarchs in Hevron, IDF Nabs 13 Terrorists, Arabs Nabbed with Large Heroin Cache

Arabs Hurl Rocks at Bus in Samaria [Near Hawara, South of Elon Moreh]

Rocks Thrown at Vehicles Near Nablus [Shechem]

Muslims Defile Cave of Patriarchs in Hevron

“A Kohen, who recites the priestly blessings during the Sabbath morning service, …smelled urine next to the Holy Ark containing Torah scrolls.”

IDF troops arrest 13 Palestinian Fugitives

Arabs Hurl Fire Bomb on Rte. 443

Arabs Nabbed with 55 Kg. Heroin, $650,000
