More on Bulldozer Terror Attack, Terrorist Record, Regime Actions


There are many questions arising out of Wednesday’s bulldozer terrorist attack. This blog asks some of them;

  • How is it that workers building in the public domain are not subject to security checks to ascertain criminal records or terrorist connections?
  • How can a convicted rapist be hired in a project which, when completed, will transport thousands of Jews per day through Jerusalem?
  • As a worker employed by the Jerusalem bridge and light rail project, what does this attack indicate regarding possible systemic Arab sabotage of the entire project?
  • How is it that Dr. Yitzak Noy of Israel Radio Reshet Bet reported minutes after the incident began that “Police there did NOT fire”, cntradicting all other print, internet and electronic media reports in Israel and overseas which have been reporting that the police and security people were firing at or in the direction of the cabin of the bulldozer?
  • Why the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court gag-order on the name of the soldier who killed the terrorist?
  • Did President Shimon Peres know that the soldier was a former anti-disengagement activist when he uttered the words; “I was proud of him because he put himself at risk for others that way.”?

These are but a few of myriads questions which beg straight-forward honest answers and which speak tons as to why the current mode and mindset of Israeli governance MUST GO! MB

Report on Victims

Jerusalem: 10 Victims of Bulldozer Terror Attack Still Hospitalized

Mother Saves Baby, Killed Seconds Later, by Abe Selig, Shelly Paz, Jenna Stark (Jerusalem Post)

On The Terrorist

Relatives: Attacker Once Lived With a Jewish Woman, by Khaled Abu Toameh (Jerusalem Post)


[The Jewish woman] lived with him in Sur Bahir,” said one relative.

A neighbor who asked not to be identified told the Post that Dwayat… “In the past he got into trouble with the law,” he said. “I think his problems started while he was still with the Jewish wife. Some people say he was a drug addict.”

Terrorist Was Convicted Rapist

Jerusalem Terrorist Previously Convicted of Raping Jewish Girl


“Police reported that the terrorist who carried out the attack in Jerusalem on Wednesday, Hossam Dawyyat, was convicted in 2001 of raping a Jewish girl with whom he had a romantic relationship. He was sentenced to two years in prison. After his release from prison Dawyyat married an Arabic woman.”

Avi Roeh: Government Cares More for Arabs than Jews

On the Soldier Who Killed the Terrorist

Terror Attack Hero was Anti-Disengagement Activist


“Moshe Plesser, the soldier who shot and killed the tractor terrorist in Jerusalem Wednesday, was among the youths who protested the Disengagement and faced criminal charges for his actions.”

This email received this AM;

As recorded by Dr. Yitzak Noy, Israel Radio Reshet Bet at 12:20 pm: “I witnessed the car being crushed, and saw the scene as I passed it. My office is up the street from the scene. Police there did NOT fire. Don’t let anyone tell you stories. I was there and saw it. I am broadcasting right now in the heat of the trauma from witnessing this.

Building security guard who had an UZI who did NOT fire. The one who killed the Terrorist took the gun from the Police Officer who was NOT shooting and shot. This person (an off duty security officer) was a relative of the person who shot the Terrorist at Mercaz HaRav in March. Live on Israel Radio 12:20 PM by Dr. Yitzak Noy.”

[“Absurd”] Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court Issues Order Barring Publication of Name of Soldier Who Killed terrorist in Jerusalem [But Cat’s Out of Bag on Name], by Dr. Aaron Lerner IMRA

Soldier Who Killed Terrorist Had To Fight To Be Drafted

Peres: I Was Proud of the Soldier Who Fired


“I looked at the soldier on leave. He did not have a gun and he looked for one. Once he found a gun he went up and shot the terrorist. ‘He who comes to kill you – kill him first.’ I was proud of him because he put himself at risk for others that way.”

Killer Of Terrorist Was Beaten Unconscious By Police At Anti-Disengagement Protest
