Mahmud Abbas Speaketh to President Bush With Forked Tongue



The Jerusalem Post Editorial below, as well as Isi Leibler’s piece speak about the phenomenon of the past 15 years — the erudition of the Arabs such that they deceive Israel and the US by suggesting that they want “peace”, while in fact preparing and justifying jihad and raising false, bogus rumors of Israeli attrocities to their own people. Those with in depth knowledge of the Islamic mindset know that deception and rumor-mongering is implacably engrained in the Islamic psyche from which Mahmud Abbas’ forked-tongue descended. MB read more


President Bush: Don’t Give Us the Money!


This author has never seen eye-to-eye with JPost columnist Larry Derfner and his virulent left-wing, seemingly anti-religious mindset.

But this is probably the one time (before the Ge’ula Shlaima) when we stand in agreement — over American foreign aid. Can the Ge’ula be far behind? Wow, Major Yom Tov — imagine that, Larry Derfner agreeing with a position of R’ Me’ir Kahane z”l who campaigned hard, in the years prior to his assassination, for a cessation of all American foreign aid to Israel. read more


If Jerusalem, Yesha Population Centers Different, Why Total Building Freeze?



This question is one of the great mysteries of life. MB

Olmert: Jerusalem is in a Different Category from Outposts

Full Text;

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in a joint press conference with U.S. President Bush that Israel was not asked to make any new commitments in the present talks. He added: “I hope I am not disappointing anyone when I say that it is clear that Jerusalem is not in the same status as Judea and Samaria.”

Olmert explained that building in Jerusalem as well as the population centers in Judea and Samaria was not on the same status as the “outposts.” read more


Thursday War News: Bush in Ramallah as Mortars from Gaza Fall in Negev, Terrorists Bomb American School in Gaza; UNIFIL Gives Hezbollah IDF Info; Rock Attacks Near Jerusalem, Hevron, Ramallah


Tuesday’s News Which the Regime Marginalizes or Doesn’t Want You to Know

Below is one person’s ever so lightly edited account of Tuesday’s protest events in Jerusalem which the regime either marginalized in the media or doesn’t want you to know that they took place;

1/ ONE JERUSALEM: Human Chain Around the Old City

There were many thousands of people participating in this demonstration of love and support for our undivided holy city of Jerusalem, though none of us participating could see more than a small group in our immediate vicinity. The crowds started meeting at Shaar Yafo, but were rather quickly dispersed as we walked farther along the walls around the Old City. First of course each participant took several gold ribbons, which were available in abundance. I stopped at one point which seemed to be where speeches would be made – and a picture in the newspaper this morning confirmed that indeed at that location there was a crowd and speeches were made from the podium – but we were encouraged to continue along and form chains at intervals all the way around the Old City walls. read more


Bush Visit: Against Background of Documented Islamic Terrorism


Wednesday War News: Bush Arrives Before Noon to Barrage of Kassams and Mortars on Sderot, Negev; Rocks and Molotovs in Yehuda, Shomron; Senior Terrorists “Join” Pa Police


Olmert’s, Livni’s Clouded Distinctions; Jerusalem and Yesha by Words and Actions


Har Homa


Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA succinctly asks a crucial question; “Also Ramat Eshkol?”

But hasn’t Ramat Eshkol always been considered a “concensus area”, as has Gilo and Ramot? The point is that it wasn’t Bush or Rice who opened pandora’s box, it was none other than Olmert, Livni and company, and Sharon before them, and their collectve deJudiazation Israelization plan. It was protexia-class governance which opened up this can of worms and the modern-day Stanley Laurel who has gotten us into this fine fix. read more


Tuesday War News: Mortar Shells, Naval Clashes and Work Accident in Gaza, Hezbollah Launches Katyushas Before Bush Arrival, Terror Attacks and Arrests in Yesha


Parsha Bo: Finding the Emunah to Break Out of Apathy and Fear’s Box


Moshe Burt

Parsha Bo is the one which, for me, annually relates to that crazy tune which played back “in the Old Country” a couple of decades ago, “Does Your Korbon Pesach Lose It’s Flavor Tied to the Bedpost Overnight?” (Actually, the real title to the song was “Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It’s Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?”)

Over the years, this author has opened with this nutty parody of mine because it cuts right to the very heart of our Parsha. That is the Mitzvot of taking the Korbon Pesach, applying the da’am on Jewish doorposts, the going up from Mitzrayim (Egypt) to “…a land flowing with milk and honey …” and the first mitzvah commanded of the National entity (B’nai Yisrael), the Kiddush HaChodesh — the sanctification of the New Moon and the relevance today of these mitzvot which relate to emunah (belief in) and yirat (fear of)Hashem. read more
