The Consequences of Jews Depending on Other Nations to Defend Jews


This author looks with a lot of disdain upon a headline like The Abandonment of the Jews. The headline, by it’s very nature, evokes memories of how the allies let the Shoah continue, not lifting a finger to aid the millions of European Jews who were exterminated by the Nazi monster. The adage is appropo; goyim will be goyim — the national interests of the US supersede all morality. That Israel keeps crawling back to the goyim to protect her is yet another case of the battered wife syndrome. Israel has been double-crossed, abandoned, Bushwhacked, again, again and again over the past nearly 60 years and yet, instead of taking up Israel’s national interests and security which can truly only be taken up by Jews, they keep crawling back to the nations for more of the same — betrayal and abandonment.

The final lines of Caroline Glick’s Column One regarding the US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran’s nuclear intentions says it clearly;

The NIE’s message to Israel and world Jewry is clear. Again we are alone in our moment of peril. It is high time that our political and military leaders acknowledge this fact, stop hoping that someone else will save us, and get to work on defending us.


The Abandonment of the Jews, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)


The US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran’s nuclear intentions is the political version of a tactical nuclear strike on efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear bombs.

The NIE begins with the sensationalist opening line: “We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Teheran halted its nuclear weapons program.” But the rest of the report contradicts the lead sentence. For instance, the second line says, “We also assess with moderate-to-high confidence that Teheran at a minimum is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons.”

Indeed, contrary to that earth-shattering opening, the NIE acknowledges that the Iranians have an active nuclear program and that they are between two and five years away from nuclear capabilities.

Not only does the NIE make it impossible for the US to take action against Iran, it also sets a dangerous trap for Israel. If Israel doesn’t take action against Iran’s nuclear installations it risks annihilation. And if it does take action, it can expect to be subject to international and American condemnation far worse than what it suffered after bombing Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981.

The US has not limited its entrapment of Israel to the political realm. As The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday, due to massive US pressure, Israel and India were compelled to cancel the planned launch of an Israeli satellite on an Indian missile. The launch was scheduled to take place in September. It has yet to be rescheduled. Apparently, the US response to Israel’s discovery of Syria’s nuclear program was to undercut Israel’s ability to enhance its intelligence capabilities.

The Israeli response so far to the NIE creates the impression that Israel’s leaders are in a state of denial over what has just happened. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert reacted with empty bromides about his close relationship with Bush.

By mindlessly agreeing that Iran did in fact halt its nuclear weapons program in 2003, Defense Minister Ehud Barak accepted the most ridiculous aspect of the report – namely that there is a distinction between Iran’s “civilian” and “military” nuclear programs. In so doing, Barak effectively prevented Israel from attacking the report for its basic mendacity.

As for Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, well, she doesn’t seem to understand that anything has happened. In a message to Israeli ambassadors, Livni urged Israel’s emissaries to continue their efforts to promote sanctions claiming that, “All are in agreement that the world cannot accept a nuclear Iran.”

And this is the final aspect of the NIE that bears mention. Both in its content and in the timing of its release the week after the Annapolis conference, the NIE shows clearly that in sharp contrast to optimistic statements by Olmert, Barak and Livni about Israel’s wonderful relations with the Bush administration, the fact is that Israel’s relations with the US are in a state of crisis.

Many commentators applauded the Annapolis conference, claiming that its real aim was to cement a US-led coalition including Israel and the Arabs against Iran. These voices argued that it made sense for Israel to agree to negotiate on bad terms in exchange for such a coalition. But the NIE shows that the US double-crossed Israel. By placing the bait of a hypothetical coalition against Iran, the US extracted massive Israeli concessions to the Palestinians and then turned around and abandoned Israel on Iran as well. What this means is that not only has the US cut Israel off as an ally, it is actively working against the Jewish state.

For their part, the Iranians are celebrating the NIE’s publication as a major victory. And they are right to do so. With the stroke of a pen the US this week has let it be known that it doesn’t have a problem with Iran acquiring the means to carry out the second genocide of the Jewish people in 70 years.

The NIE’s message to Israel and world Jewry is clear. Again we are alone in our moment of peril. It is high time that our political and military leaders acknowledge this fact, stop hoping that someone else will save us, and get to work on defending us.

Related report: Editor’s Notes: Bushwhacked, by David Horovitz (Jerusalem Post)
