Druse Pogrom Against Jews: Sign of Islamic Emboldenment Against Leftist Weakness and Hypocrisy

Manhigut Yehudit’s Moshe Feiglin devoted an entire piece, The Druze Got the Picture, to the recent pogrom perpetrated by the Druse in the Galilee village of Peki’in and the true, underlying reasons for the attacks.

No, it’s not about a cellular phone antenna. And it’s not about either a real or perceived Internet slur by a Christian of his Druse schoolmate. It’s about larger Druse perceptions, as Feiglin put it;

The Israeli culture of betrayal… the atmosphere of betrayal mocks them. ‘The Israelis are here only temporarily, they bow down to any and every display of Arab nationalism, they have betrayed their own identity and their own land. Deep down, the Israelis think that the Arab claims on the Land are just…. Even though you have established a covenant of blood with them, you do not merit the same respect that the Arabs receive from the Israelis. The Israelis despise themselves. So how do you expect them to relate to those who join them? They call the Arabs who help them ‘stinkers,’ not allies. Do you really think that they will not betray you as well?” read more

Sunday War News: 5 Kassams From Gaza, Cows Killed by Rocket; Power Cut Backed by Justice Minister; Jewish Olive Trees, Vineyards Trashed; Other Terror Acts in Yesha


Shabbos War News: Kassams, Shooting, Bomb Detonation From Gaza; Infiltrations From Lebanon; Action in Shechem, Kalkilya


Moslems on Kadosh Kedoshim: Most Profound Concession by a Sovereign State in World History


The commentary below by Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA cites Jewish law simply and succinctly but in a way in which Israel’s leaders have never had the psychological stength, assuredness and connection to Hashem and Torah to assert.

This appalling concession by successive Israeli governments subsequent to the Six Day War; the acceptance and toleration of humans’, of Islamics’ having free access to the Holy of Holies – a place only entered once a year by the High Priest on Yom Kippur to pray for forgiveness for the people’s sins, is a desecration of Hashem’s name of massive, unimaginable proportions. And it is a concession which no other sovereign nation, no other people would have such a collectively low self-esteem as to make. read more


Ben Eliezer: Leaving Gaza “a Big Mistake” — Boker Tov!!!!



Forgetting for a moment the halachic and social ramifications of expelling Jewish brothren from their homes, neighbrhoods, Shuls and workplaces (none of which Ben Eliezer makes reference to), when Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer states; “I admit and confess… we erred, we made a very big mistake,” can one logically view this statement and wonder why Ben Eliezer’s apparent logic doesn’t seem to extend current dealings with Abbas and to dealing with the Annapolis conference? read more

IDF Chief Ashkenazi’s Empty Pledge



With the omission of one little word, IDF Chief Gabi Ashkenazi queered an entire pledge. And it’s little wonder. For the inclusion of this one little word in Ashkenazi’s proclamation, in the presence of President Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, etc., would have undoubtedly resulted in his termination.

“We will continue to do whatever we can to ensure that Jerusalem will forever remain the capital of Israel.”

That one little word which denotes and sums up Divine Jewish legacy and exclusivity is >undivided. MB read more


Thursday War News: More Kassams, Work Accident Meant for IDF; Arrests in Various Venues, IDF Allows Free Passage for Wanted Terrorists

2 Kassams Strike Open Areas in West Negev; No Wounded Reported

2 Kassam Rockets Land in Sderot

Two Kassams Land Near Sderot; No Casualties or Damage Reported

IAF Head: Terrorists Use Public as Human Shield


The blame lies with terrorists, he said, ‘who continue to do everything possible in order to assimilate into the civilian population and use it as a human shield.”

Approximately half of the terrorists who are killed are killed in IAF attacks, he said. The terrorists often fire rockets from school courtyards and other public areas. read more


Olmert’s Empty, Phoney Past Pledges on Jerusalem



This author wrote in a previous post;

We’ve reached the point in history where neither the written nor spoken word of political or governmental leaders is worth the paper, time or hot air upon which it is articulated.

Remember Sharon’s past commitments, his five fingers plan regarding Gush Katif? As useless as spent toiletpaper. To repeat what Olmert said 10 years ago is only further testimony to artificiality and emptiness of past statements and “commitments” made by corrupt white, Ashkenazi, chiloni Israeli politicos concerned first and foremost with their own welfare, the nation be damned. read more


As Always, Olmert and His Protexia Class “Too Busy” for People of Sderot



This blog recently commented on the built-in obsolescence of the
being provided by the regime to the people and students of S’derot against Kassam missiles and mortars.

Now, as all Sderot residents with financial resources are fleeing the city and conveying a message to Islamic terrorists emboldening terror attacks as forcing Jews to flee, Ehud Olmert and his entire protexia entourage regime is too busy with their Annapolis give-away agenda and too callous to even accommodate a brief appearance in Sderot. MB read more
