L’Shana Tova to All Readers and Subscribers;


I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a L’Shana Tova;
in the coming year and in all years to come, you should know only happiness, health and success.

This blog will be going into occasional mode through the Chagim, only posting regarding important reports and divrei Torah.

There is, however, an announcement timely to the chagim;

Dictionary.co.il has created an online video course that teaches
total beginners how to read Hebrew and more in just 2 hours. It
covers all the letters, vowels, and some vocabulary as well. Please pass
this link along to the people you know that would benefit from it:


This is another way in which you can help The Sefer Torah Recycling Network with it’s mission.

Manny thanks and Tizke L’Mitzvot!

We, the B’nei Yisrael should be zocha the Moshiach and the Geula Shlaima — achshav, chik-chuk, miyad, etmol!

Moshe Burt
The Sefer Torah Recycling Network
Author, Israel and the Sin of Expulsion
