Over a Year, Southern Schools STILL Unprotected From Kassams


It’s been nearly 13 months since Amir Peretz pledged protection for 24 schools in a 7-Km radius of Gaza. To date, many still lack protection from Kassams.

These previous blog posts outline the slew of government excuses, indifference and deaf ear given to the plight of students living in the Negev in close proximity to Gaza. MB

Southern Schools Still Lack Protection From Kassams, by Hadas Goshen (Jerusalem Post)


Eshkol Regional Council head Uri Na’amati warned on Wednesday that if a budget were not allocated to renovate its schools this summer, 1,000 students would return to Kassam-vulnerable classrooms come September.

Although former defense minister Amir Peretz authorized plans for Eshkol school buildings to undergo the rebuilding that would protect them from Kassam rockets, no funds have been designated to begin these changes.

According to Na’amati, Kassams fell mere meters away from the building during the last school year and put the students, aged six through 18, in immediate danger. Eshkol sought temporary solutions to enable students to finish the school year, such as busing the pupils to a nearby army base for classes.

But such quick fixes are not a permanent answer for the distraught community, which hopes the prime minister will intervene and take action before the school year begins on September 1, said the region’s director of public affairs.

“We have two elementary schools and two high schools, but one elementary school and one high school lie within the 7 kilometers of the border designated by the government to receive protection, and the other two schools are 7.2 kilometers away from the border. Peretz came after a Kassam leveled a house about 8 kilometers from the border and decided all our schools needed protection. But nothing is being done,” Na’amati said.

The Eshkol Regional Council wants to construct sturdier roofs, following the designs of schools in Sderot and other nearby areas.

“On the first of September, the year starts, and we have nothing…” said Na’amati.

Related report: Gov’t to Invest NIS 1b. to Secure South


Right! In what era??? MB
